
Friday, April 20, 2012

An Ode On The Silly, Stupid & Insignificant!

“Significance, In All Its Forms & Manifestations, Is Dead, Long Live Insignificance (& Ofcourse The Silly & Stupid), The Master Of The Present!”
From The Holy Book Of The Insignificant, Silly & Stupid.

It’s the time of the stupid; it’s the reign of the silly; it’s the age of the insignificant! And, all the people who are supposedly alive here are to be the strict adherers of the Master Insignificance! They got to be having nothing worthwhile, as far as quality is concerned, in their lives! Here, there & everywhere there should ONLY be Master Insignificance present!

 In the films, serials, write ups, promotions, speeches, advices, performances, articles written, literature, songs, music, information, art, news, reporting, media, life, education, training, service, governments, politics, public sector, private sector, talk, relationships, courtships, love affairs, institutions, marriages, discussions, love letters, other letters, conversations, thought & all the other things related to human existence the enviable presence of Master Insignificance should be seen and observed, wholesomely! 

The base setting for the Insignificant Kingdom has been set taking a couple of decades when the door keepers, servants, slaves, trainers of insignificance & all have been gathered & trained masterly in the great domain of Insignificance! The education to be imparted that is the education of the age of the Insignificant itself, the books of learning in the time of Insignificance, the public & private activities at the time of Insignificance, the Insignificance Trainers by whom the world will be wholesomely converted into the one where ONLY Master Insignificance dwells and all that have to be there in the Reign of Insignificance have been gathered, painstakingly, arranged in their respective insignificant places & got them activated, step by step, over the decades! 

The media which has a somewhat significant reach & role has been masterly trained in the Art of Insignificance that they never leave the True Path of Insignificance and they report ONLY THE INSIGNIFICANT 24/7! They will never tolerate significance or its relatives anywhere near them & before they got the Insignificance Training they had already booted the significant & important in the favour of their New God Insignificance! They are masterly trained to select only those Insignificant things & materials, Insignificantly Carefully, to put them in their medium that people ONLY understand & learn the Significance of Insignificance, Silly and Stupid & emulate them wholesomely in their very Insignificant Life! 

The media has been doing its insignificant duty pretty well that almost everything significant (Like the wholesomely distressing situations in which crores of people have been living in, the sufferings human beings go through, the dirty & inhumanly ways most of the human beings are treated, the mass suicides committed by the utterly hopeless, anything & everything basic, positive & enriching the human life, the wholesome destruction of Nature, the whole scale poisoning & dreadful contamination of food, water, air etc, the futility of the education given, the whole scale loss of human life, all across the spectrum due to the complete loss of human values, great & positive ideas, ideals, falsification of truths & facts of everything including life, deliberately spread false information of all sorts, peace of mind etc, ) has been thrown into the waste basket, specially kept for significant things!

And only the silly, stupid & insignificant (The insignificant style of  an insignificant apparel of an insignificant media created diva who is a total failure in life; the gait of a media propelled whore who is eulogised as the one with an extremely broad heart; the totally insignificant events where the heavily over weight & malady infested gluttons swallowed truck loads of junk food & gulped down gallons of useless & harmful sweetened aerated impurities; the variety colours applied on the seats of these malady infested & mentally totally unstable people’s toilets; the under wear on which the media made & propelled whore displayed the condom sign made of jewels which are worth millions of dollars; the stupidest & the most useless of the games where poorly & wrongly informed common people spend most of their time, money, energy & life itself; the longest running media information serialisation on what the servant of the Never Heard Queen in the inner most part of the Amazon forests do just before she goes to sleep; an information series on what the people of the world might look like in the year 5013 AD; what did a particular ignorant and equally stupid minister or politician said -& keep telling about!- about a thing or matter of which he or she never knew anything about & will know about; the importance of sleeping 10 hours & exercising 3+2 = 5 hours daily to have a body that can be wholesomely exploited by the crafty people in body building, Aerobics & medical businesses, in whatever way they like to exploit till one is no more there in the world to be squeezed more; the wonderful education & the educational environment in a very particular educational institution which charges a fortune & gives back nothing for the money taken and spoils all the ones who enter there in the hope of living a human life; the dragon tattoo done on the buttocks of the singing goddess which is put there in the memory of her 155th boy friend who died due to some unknown diseases; the most innovative, different & attractive styles –which were very successfully executed world over-  in which one can destroy trees & never plant one and ofcourse grind down Nature on the way; the most interesting & the so called fashionable game of eating the bull shit, which was very popular in Great Nicaraguasia –which was largely supposed & believed to have great and incomparable medicinal & curative powers by the little known Nicaraguasians who died of serious illnesses 212 or so years ago; how great things like depression, anxiety, avarice, inhuman ambitions, gluttony, qualitylessness (lack of quality!), greed, hoarding, intoxication of the extreme levels, smoking 24/7, adulteration, poisoning the mind, living as lazily as possible etc can elevate human beings to the next level and develop the Economy and human being in totality, at the same time; & what all great research works are going on all the above mentioned matters spending billions of dollars in various parts of the world where dollars, euros & pounds rule; how to reinvent the wheel a million times; how the Religious Ignorance & Intolerance should be well developed & spread systematically using the rare resources of a democracy –which means public/common man’s hard earned money, resources, life etc!; how religious, communal and all other sorts of fanaticism should be promoted & fanned; how to have a panel discussion, for years, on how the price hike in aviation fuel in the year 2047 will affect the common man; write, talk, discuss, print, walk the talk, talk the walk etc on the great & extremely destructive bearing the introduction of government bonds, future options, reckless speculation, carry forward system etc when human beings open the first ever stock exchange in Mars etc; whether the people suffering from acute famine in the African countries should go for creamed cake or not; how many so called socialites (Women!), glamour girls ( Most of them will force nausea out of anyone living & the dead never commented, till date, on this insignificant issue!), socially committed Miss Universes, Miss Worlds, publicly & socially dedicated film stars (Women!) and the others (Women!) tore away their cloths & showed their under wears & MORE in full public & media glare to raise funds – which are supposed to have erased famine & poverty from the face of Mother Earth, for ever!- for those who suffer from famine, civil wars, human trafficking etc in Antarctica; how much the Egyptian termite eaten under wear, supposedly used by Cleopatra (Though it is still under intense Scientific Discussion & debate whether she used one or not it is scientifically proven, beyond any doubt, that the termite which swallowed most of it is purely Egyptian!) will fetch @ the Southby’s in London; if the civil wars, sectarian violence, ethnic cleansing, development & expansion of religious fundamentalism etc should be nationalised & universalised or not; and, other millions of equally or sometimes more Insignificantly Significant Matters (ISMs!) the media has to get under it’s all magnifying insignificant lenses and present them in various forms to Educate The World!) got into whatever medium they have, 24/7! 

Education, thoughts, standards of life, ideas, ideals, morals, human behaviour, human relationships, human interactions & life itself should be based on the insignificant, silly & stupid; and, no exceptions should be made, ever, in favour of the disgusting thing or whatever called Quality! Nothing significant, important, of any use to any one or any body, worthwhile, positive etc should be seen anywhere on the surface of the Mother Earth! Every thing should be silly, stupid & completely insignificant! People should eat, drink, breath, think & live Insignificance! "O Master Insignificance, The Ruler Of The Entire Insignificant, Silly & Stupid, World Over, Thy Kingdom Has Come!”.....!

The Education!

When he went to the computer institution for the first time with his parents to enquire about the courses offered there & their scope, the person who was sitting in the chair of the manager cum councillor cum marketing executive cum trainer cum psychologist cum man of wisdom cum etc uttered in a voice of disbelief & wonder that HE COULD BE THE NEXT THING IN COMPUTER ANIMATION & he saw Raja Ravi Varma + Picasso + Leonardo Da Vinci + The Topmost Hollywood Animator at the same time in HIM that HIS educated & well planning parents took 70000/- rupees out of their hard earned deposit & made HIM join one of the greatest of the animation courses offered by the greatest of the computer institutions Never Heard By Anyone In The World!

After a couple of years of ‘animatorly’ excellent & intense training (Which He & His family continuously spoke about in large volumes through out the duration of His Excellent Animator course!) from the Never Heard Of Famous Institution, now he is working inside Hollywood, the name he has given to his small room inside his house which earlier had a name ‘Innocence’! There he is trying to live the lives of Raja Ravi Varma, Picasso, Da Vinci & Other Greats of Hollywood Animators, at the same time,  without ever knowing that the crafty manager cum councillor cum marketing executive cum trainer cum psychologist cum man of wisdom cum what not in the World Famous Unknown Institution, where he learned to be a Raja Ravi Varma + Picasso + Leonardo Da Vinci + The Topmost Hollywood Animator etc, at the same time, spending 70000/- and a couple of precious years of his life, would be continuously finding out, non stop, new Raja Ravi Varmas, Picassos, Da Vincis, Michael Angelos & others, all these years after he finished his 'World Class Animator Course!

The education industry is flourishing in India as never before & their listed shares are sky rocketing in the bourses in the gambling investors' extremely greedy hope & expectation that one day everyone will be joining THESE QUALITY INSTITUTIONS & the benefits will be inexpressible as the parents of the younger generations to come are seemingly preparing themselves to give their children the best education & training possible, throwing away even lakhs and crores! They are rushing to all the quality institutions around them carrying their children & bank pass books & ATM cards that they never miss an opportunity, which will come only once in a blue moon, to get the best for their children who always deserve the best!

They start with carrying their 3 or 4 year olds & running to the so called Tiny Tots, Kids Wonder, Wonder What, Tiny House, Tiny Rainbow, Who Is Tiny, Tiny Stable, Rainbow Children, Rainbow Wonder, Kids' Heaven, Magical Kids, Tiny Squeezer, Tiny Idiot, Tiny Wonderful Stupid, Tiny Dare Devils, Tiny Hell Raisers, Tiny Kids Of Screaming Parents, Kids Who Wonder What etc & make their precious ones join any of these Heavenly Kid Care Institutions in the market - It is a greedy market, where any sort of trick is applied to extract the last paisa & cheat the easily gullible parent customer!- paying 40000/-, 50000/-, 70000/-, 100000/- for a 2-3 hour Heavenly Training & Care, 5 Days A Week for the next 8 or 9 months! And, it is a wonderful & quality thing that most of the trainers in these Heavenly Care & Training Institutions are those who never had any sort of training in anything worthwhile & never knew what quality, human developmental stages, child care etc are!

It is the nature of the present day generation that those who have money will only come back after admitting THEIR LITTLE DEAR ONES in one of these so called modern & money grabbing institutions, once they set out to make the admissions of their young ones! It has become a matter of prestige for the parents of some means to THROW THEIR LITTLE ONES into the care of those who learn the tricks of tricking people by squeezing even the last ounce from the parents of the little wonders!

It is the Herd Effect that has taken complete control over the Tiny Tot Business! If one goes to a Tiny Place & get the little one admitted for 100000/- then the Herd Effect begins! All of a sudden, from no where, the piece of information comes and spreads & all the others will make a beeline to that particular Tiny Place with their young ones in their carry bags & start joining their young wonders in that same Tiny Place! Nobody ever knows or rather cares that the first one –The Parents!- who went there  -Tiny Place!- never had a former education and they also never knew what any sort of training was! They also never knew or will ever know that the first one was the close relative of the persons who started the Tiny Place to fleece the Parent Customers & the first one never paid anything to get the admission for their young one! Its all in the game baby, is the attitude of the persons who run these sorts of institutions – From Tiny Places to the Animation Centres!

It is a wonderful practice among the people of India to do whatever to get their sons & daughters into any lavishly advertised Non Quality institutions! Quality is never a criterion in making their children join any place for any sort of training or coaching. The training or education institution selection process, most of the times, is based on Herd Effect, Lack of Knowledge on the Institution and its quality standards of teaching & training, lack of knowledge as far as discipline in the institution which is one of the most important things a training or educational institution should have as one should have Quality- is concerned, opinion of the little knowing son or daughter, advice of a person who doesn’t know anything about the institution & the educational standards implemented there, the intuition of the worst kind, prejudices etc!

What people look for in the present is whether the son or daughter is O.K with the institution at the time of admission & whether they stay in the same impression till they finish the course there & move on! No one is concerned about the Quality things one’ son or daughter gets from the institution where one is going to admit one’s son or daughter; no body bothers about Quality these days, it is stated! If Quality has been the sole criterion of the institution selection process, then 99% of the educational & training institutions in India, including many of the so called famous institutions in the private sector, and of course, the government sector as well would certainly have downed the shutters for ever, eons ago & gone to other easily beneficial fields of trickery where Quality is not required!
It is interesting to note that most of the training & educational institutions, the so called trainers & teachers, the parents, the people who go for training & education to these training & educational institutions, the educational bodies, the education planners, the governments which CLAIM TO BE the regulators, modifiers & visualisers of the future generations etc never knew what they want to get & should get from an education institution or Education Itself, how to get it, should one get it at all after the so called master training OFFERED by the ALL KNOWING INSTITUTIONS etc! All over India, crores of people go to the training & education institutions in the hope that they will have SOMETHING –Remember this ‘SOMETHING’ is never defined in Quality terms!- and it will be of SOME USE – This ‘SOME’ too is never Qualitatively defined!-  to their future.

It is always acceptable that the people keep on hoping ‘Great Things’ from the training imparted in the training institutions, all over India, as ‘Great Things’ change from person to person & view point to view point! Hence, as these ‘Great Things Of Expectation’ changes as the polar changes in the Sun, no one will be in a position to blame any of the educational or training institutions in India & anybody else in the world on ‘THE NOTHING THEY GET’ spending thousands & lakhs of hard earned money; and, ofcourse, that is fine with the education & training institutions! And, with Quality, Discipline, Knowledge etc seen nowhere, we can see lakhs & lakhs of Indians spending lakhs & lakhs or Indian Rupee to GET NOTHING but IMAGINARY GREAT THINGS from the education or training they are Supposedly Getting from the institution/s they enter with Great Expectations! When one ponders properly, one can /will definitely come into the right conclusion that the people who are Supposedly Getting Educated & Trained in the myriads of institutions in India get what they really deserve & ask for - NOTHING!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Fear Factor!

Where The Mind Is Without FEAR. & The Head Is Held High;
Where Knowledge Is Free;
Where The World Has Not Been Broken Up
Into Fragments By Narrow Domestic Walls;
Where Words Come Out From The Depth Of Truth;
Where Tireless Striving Stretches Its Arms Towards Perfection;
Where The Clear Stream Of Reason
Has Not Lost Its Way Into The Dreary Desert Sand Of Dead Habit;
Where The Mind Is Led Forward By Thee Into Ever-Widening Thought & Action –
Into That Heaven Of Freedom, My Father, Let My Country Awake!
Gitanjali, Rabindranath Tagore.


We should FEAR Gods....OK DONE! We should FEAR our elders.....OK DONE! We should FEAR our governments.....OK DONE! We should FEAR our institutions.....OK DONE! We should FEAR our local goondas....OK DONE! We should FEAR the tax man.....OK DONE! We should FEAR the policemen....OK DONE! We should FEAR the Chinese...OK DONE! We should FEAR the Pakistanis....OK DONE! We should FEAR the terrorists.....OK DONE! We should FEAR those who pose as the protectors of us - the common men - from the terrorists....OK DONE! We should FEAR the communally 100% men in the neighbourhood....OK DONE! We should FEAR the religious men......OK DONE! We should FEAR the political bigwigs of our locality....OK DONE!

We should FEAR the water mafia, land mafia, forest mafia, mining mafia, drug mafia, religious mafia, Think Tank mafia, political mafia & all the sorts of mafia.....OK DONE! We should FEAR the milkman, news paper man, the bus conductor, the workshop man, the electricity man, the gas man, the supplier in the hotel, the girl next door, the doctor, the beggar in the train, the motorists on the road, the reservation clerk at any counter, the media, the lawyer, the grocery man, the minority, the majority, the fish vendor, the bakery man, the student in the class room, the book store people, the street vendor and others.....OK DONE! YES, IT IS THE WORLD OF EVIL PERPETRATORS WHERE THE COMMON MAN HAS TO LIVE IN THE PERPETUAL FEAR OF THE EVIL PERPETRATORS .........OK DONE!

When the tea or coffee one drinks from the tea or coffee shop is bad one can not complain in the FEAR that the server might take the coffee or tea one is drinking inside & spitting into it in the sly can bring it back adding the sugar of his spittle (When he is in a very bad mood, which all the time he is in!)!

When the local goonda extort money from you continuously you don't have any other option other than 'talking about it angrily inside your family in hush hush voices' as speaking it in public or giving a complaint against the goonda will invite the wrath of the goonda clan which can do ANYTHING FEARSOME anytime!

When the student in the class grossly misbehave with the teacher he or she should not do anything or even utter a harsh word as one FEARFULLY ponder WHAT HE OR SHE WOULD DO NEXT as he or she can either stab the teacher into death or hang oneself to implicate the teacher in it cunningly with the set of existing laws & the ever vigilant & godly intelligent police force!

If a judge does gross injustice to justice one should FEAR to utter even a single word of protest as it would be considered CONTEMPT OF COURT by all the breathing judges & punishment orders will be issued in no time! And, we are told from the day one we should FEAR Law & We –The Common Men!- religiously follow what we have been indoctrinated, all these decades!

When the auto wallah misbehaves grossly & insult one (It is the Common Man who is insulted always, as the others seldom travel in autos!) one should FEAR the dire consequences which will dog eternally if one raises one’s voice against the Auto-Rowdy & retort!

When a politician or an MLA or an MP or a minister does something very much unconstitutional or regularly misuse the public money or cause serious grievances to the Common Man due to his or her actions – or do all these things together! - one should suffer silently in India as one is perfectly trained to think what all FEARFUL & FEARSOME things the MIGHTY HE/SHE can do to harm one (The Common Man, the whistle blower, the questioner etc!) & FEAR!

When the police do something obviously dirty like collecting Daily Hafta –Roaming In Their Tax Payer Money-Filled Government Vehicles! - from the bars, restaurants & from wherever they wish in their POLICEDOM & extort money daily from the street flower sellers & vendors as it is their DEMOCRATICALLY GRANTED CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT no word should be spoken of against and one should FEAR WHAT THEY WOULD DO TO THOSE WHO SPEAK OF THESE ATROCITIES OPENLY IN PUBLIC & QUESTION THEM!

When a doctor behaves in such a way that defies the commonest of the common senses & endanger the life of his or her patient due to medical negligence & inefficiency one should better keep mum in the FEAR that he or she can make the already bad situation the worst which can mean even death or coma or something akin to them with complete impunity!

When the minority is fairly criticised for whatever evil things they are doing the critic should FEAR the Evil Perpetrators of the minority who can do anything FEARFUL & FEARSOME against the critic with total impunity & it is the same with the majority as it is THE FEAR FACTOR which rules the so called democratic country India!

When China does the daily ritual of intruding into the Indian Territory in many places, including in Arunachal Pradesh, complicate things up with stapled visas & guarding the Pakistan Annexed Indian Territory in Kashmir Indians (Common Man!) should have UNDILUTED FEAR as THEY CAN DO ANYTHING FEARFUL at the expense of the Common Man Of India, as NO 'WHO IS WHO OF INDIA' IS LIVING NEAR THE ARUNACHAL PRADESH BORDERS OR IN THE PROBLEMATIC AREAS OF KASHMIR & NO 'WHO IS WHO OF INDIA' OR HIS OR HER SON OR DAUGHTER IS IN THE FOREFRONT OF THE ARMY FRONTLINE OR RATHER IN THE ARMY ITSELF (Its great to have FEAR UNLIMITED from THE CHINESE BHAIs OF THE NEHRUVIAN ERA!)!  

When the Brotherly Secular Pakistanis Mutilate the Indian Soldiers' Bodies The Indian (The Common Man!) should tremble in FEAR as it is his sons who are getting the raw deal & inhuman treatment when 'THE INDIAN WHO IS WHO' (The Uncommon Man!) talk elaborately about the decency of conduct from the Indian Soldier, sitting inside their well protected Nuclear Proof Cabins, AS THEY ARE NOT SO INSANE TO HAVE A SON OR A DAUGHTER IN THE INDIAN ARMY!

It is very simple to understand – the logic behind all these FEARFUL things! It is something like SUFFER FEARFULLY ALL ONE’S LIFE & NEVER COMPLAIN AS THE REPERCUSSIONS FROM THE EVIL PERPETRATORS ARE THOUGHT TO BE & MADE OUT TO BE SOMETHING VERY FEARSOME & FEARFUL which the Common Man can do nothing about, ever!

And, what the Evil Perpetrators in all the so called FEARSOME & FEARFUL fields do is INSTILLING FEAR in the minds of the unsuspecting common man from the day one of his existence that he will continue living in constant FEAR! For this purpose the Evil Perpetrators craftily use the text books, history, media, education, info-heads, fine arts, movies etc to give birth to FEAR in the minds of the Common Man! And, with this devious master stroke the Evil Perpetrators make sure that THE INDIAN SOCIETY & THE COMMON MAN IN IT SHOULD TAKE BIRTH, LIVE & DIE IN ETERNAL & PERPETUAL FEAR OF THE WORST POSSIBLE THINGS THE EVIL PERPETRATORS OF THE DEMOCRATIC INDIA AND THE OTHERS WILL CONTINUOUSLY PERPETRATE!