
Friday, August 19, 2011


I could not believe my very own eyes.....! For a couple of moments I thought I was in a dream....! “Could this be reality?!” my mind galloped a million times! At last.............IN ONE OF THE RAREST OF THE RARE OCCURENCES –In the Court Terminology! - I saw it in my very own hand....The life source of our Indian Existence....The reason for all our Indian Well Being....The base of all our Indian Happiness....The in thing of all our Indian Prosperity.......A FAKE 1000/- INDIAN CURRENCY, WHICH OUR DEAR NEIGHBOUR COUNTRY – Read PAKISTAN! - PRINTED & MADE AVAILABLE IN INDIA! I was in a situation beyond any sort of expressible words!

I have heard, a million times, about the existence of this GREAT THING – PAKISTAN MADE FAKE INDIAN CURRENCY- which they say is Omnipresent in India! I always wished to see this OMNIPRESENT PAKISTANI GOD! But, despite a million sightings recorded & reported all over the country, I failed to see THE PAKISTANI GOD even once! I seriously doubted that My Belief in the PAKISTANI GOD, who ruled Our Indian Existences, was not enough to have a DHARSAN (‘Sighting’ In English!) OF THE PAKISTANI ALMIGHTY! People all around me pointed their accusing fingers at me & called me a PAGAN who is not worth enough -& doesn’t have enough unfaltering belief as well- to see THE PAKISTANI GOD IN DISGUISE IN INDIA, ever in my life!

When anything happen in India, it is estimated by the World Estimating Council, at the least 40% credit goes to THIS PAKISTANI ALMIGHTY! HE is present when one buys a piece of land, a vehicle, a house, a flat, a gadget etc in India! When one gets a loan from a bank, after may be a couple of years’ Bagheeradha Prayathna (‘Herculean Task’ in English!) & greasing the never satisfied officials’ hands, there too we find THIS PAKISTANI ALMIGHTY! Even the Indian Bank Less-Almighty State Bank Of India KEEPS & CIRCULATES THIS PAKISTANI ALMIGHTY’s CURRENCY, as was witnessed in an SBI branch in Allahabad ( The Alien Name for Our Own ‘PRAYAG’!) or somewhere else! In all the development work undertaken by the Democratically Elected God Government Of India, we always see this UNDEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PAKISTANI ALMIGHTY’S CURRENCY! Even in an alien country HIS POWERS WORK! That is the power of THIS ALIEN GOD!

Like all the other GODS, THIS GOD too is Invisible & Omnipresent (In India!)! WE ONLY SEE HIS WORKS & MARVEL! We see people build multi storey buildings with HIS HELP; we see people buying much more than what they can carry with HIS BENEVOLENCE; we see politicians & the powerful doing whatever they wish to do with HIS INVISIBLE HELP; we see kingdoms & empires built with HIS MAGNANIMITY; we witness Democratic Horse Trading with HE SMILING OVER IT; we stay wonderstruck looking at HIS DEXTERITY with which HE CREATES TERROR & TERRORISTS, in no time, among peaceful people; and WE CHANT EULOGIES IN THE NAME OF HIS INVISIBLE OMNIPRESENCE! REALLY, HE IS THE PAKISTANI GOD DOING MIRACLES IN AN ALIEN COUNTRY INDIA!

HE comes in myriad forms....the 100s, 500s, 1000s....And in crores! Not even the gate keepers of the Indian Gods can find/distinguish THIS PAKISTANI GOD while HE crosses the boundary of HIS LAND to India, disguised as the Indian Ones! In India, in the appearance of the Indian Gods HE rules! O Pakistani Almighty......YOU are so sublime & omnipresent! We, the people of India, will always be indebted to YOU as YOU are The Base of India’s Economy, Progress, Advancement, Price Rise, Inflation, Black Money and a million other creative things & without YOU there is nothing but chaos in India, though the present day chaotic situation is the creation of YOU PAKISTANI ALMIGHTY!

Even after 15 or more years it is still a mystery whether YOU were there in the 1 crore suitcase supposed to be carried by a former prime minister, who is no more now, to do some political horse trading; people in the know say that if YOU were inside then he should have succeeded in whatever plans he had then, meaning YOU were not there! Poor guy, he should have asked your blessings as the present day politicians do! What the present day Gods in India do is taking YOU ALMIGHTY from the common man, if he unknowingly –Who can understand YOUR TRICKS & DISGUISE SIR?!- gives one of YOUR MYRIAD FORMS in a single currency & destroy YOU without giving any compensation to him! Although, nobody –read ‘common man’- in India who accidently –It happens always in the rarest of the rare cases!– gives a SINGULAR YOU PAKISTANI ALMIGHTY gets the compensation ever in India – if the SINGLE YOU are found out & destroyed!-, the powerful & the mighty always deal with YOU in shiploads & keep their lives happy! Our gate keepers, Gods, governments etc will never worry about YOUR intrusion as they all are involved in ‘OTHER SERIOUS MATTERS’ & ‘THE RAREST OF THE RARE CASES’ and all of them will keep fighting internally to have an upper hand over all the others, which may not come ever! And, O PAKISTANI ALMIGHTY.....YOUR KINGDOM IN INDIA WILL REIGN FOR EVER & EVER, THOUGH A COUPLE OF COMMONORS WILL SUFFER, IN THE RAREST OF THE RARE CASES, NOW & THEN!

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