
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Searching For The Deshdrohi In The State!

There have ALWAYS been traitors in India; from the time of the beginning of History! They have ALWAYS been here, from the time when the present day so called India was known by its original name ‘Bharath’! Then, we called them Deshdrohi or Rajdrohi, which meant those who did shameless & treacherous things against one’s own land or country or Desh or Raj!

But, after the so called independence from the British, all of a sudden, this race seemed to be wiped off the face of India, somehow! It seemed like they became extinct as the good old dinosaurs 65 million years ago! All of a sudden, we, the ever growing population of Indians, were staring at an empty India where not a single traitor existed; pretty much it seemed so!

Various government sponsored committees of scientists, historians, archeologists, excavators, biologists, bio engineers & others were formed to search out even a shell of the long lost Traitor Eggs! According to the Traitor Historians (THs!) not a single Traitor Egg was found, dashing the hope of engineering the Traitor Existence (TE!) back to life! Even, a science of studying the Traitors, Traitorology’, has emerged out of the urgent need to learn about the by now ‘seemingly’ extinct Traitors!

There are a million instances where those who worked against one’s family or cast or society being thrown out of it by the family or cast or society which bore the brunt of such traitorous & shameless acts or actions of the traitors! They were cast so far away from the existing system that even their Traitorous Shades (TSs!) were not allowed to be seen by the growing young generations!

Hence, those who NEVER trusted government agencies & their studies & other sorts of reports took their own initiatives to find out the All Of A Sudden Vanished Traitors (ASVTs) or at the least, some traces of them, as they could not believe that just at the stroke of midnight on that HISTORIC August 15, 1947, all the traitors vanished into thin air!

To their SHOCK they, much easier than thought, found out signs & signatures of thousands of traitorous or treacherous acts & actions that very soon they became unconfused with the fact that the traitors are very much ALIVE & KICKING in India as they were before the so called Indian Independence! To their SHOCK they also found out that the Traitors, who justly justifying their nature, have spread themselves out the length & breadth of the country and adapted to the new environment in the Independent India in such a way that it looks like they became wholesomely extinct while they remained more than active in the present state of the affairs, using their master act - camouflage!

They have spread themselves out as the most influential, intellectual, industrial, judicial existences of the country in such a camouflaged way that separating the grain from the chaff has become a Herculean task! As has always been, they remain well connected, well positioned, well developed, well appreciated, well recognized etc that it has become pretty easy for these New Age Traitors (NATs!) to remain traitorous 24/7; and, they remain so camouflaged, unidentified, unrecognised, unknown etc !

Those persons who went out to FIND OUT the traitors in India had a ‘very simple’ technique or method to find them outjust gather the pieces of information of the HEAVY LOSSES or DAMAGES of things, matters, situations, peace, tranquility etc in the state which ONLY a traitor or a group of them can inflict! With this ‘simple method’ they could identify large number of traitors who are cleverly disguised in the present day society!

The traitors are categorized or classified as ‘Karma Drohi’ (KD - Those who do severe damages to anyone’s Karma!), ‘Kudumb Drohi’ (KD -Those who do severely damaging things to one’s Family), ‘Samuhya Drohi’ (SD - Those who do anything severely damaging against the society!), ‘Desh Drohi’ (DD - Those who do debilitating destruction or damage to one’s Desh or Land of Existence!), ‘Raj Drohi’ (RD - Those who damage one’s own Country or be a supporter for that cause of destruction of one’s own country!) etc to differentiate them easily!

When the Education System is severely destroyed by the insensible acts of greed, ignorance, favoritism, vested interests, one finds the involvement of the TRAITOR or DROHI there; when the Social Structure is heavily damaged by the ‘so called protectors of it’, one finds the invisible TRAITOR there; when Age Old Culture stands destroyed, one finds the invisible presence of the TRAITOR there; when Peace of Existence & Harmony is ‘lost’ - Read ‘DESTROYED’! – one finds the invisible hands of TRAITOR there; when human beings are ‘Commoditised’, destroying the very structure of existence, one finds the disguised presence of a TRAITOR there; when human senses are bombarded with petty & silly things of non existence, 24/7 , one finds the hyperactive invisible TRAITOR there; when 4 – 6 million lives are kept waiting for the ‘CHANCE TO HAPPEN’, as is in the case of ‘Mullapperiyar’, one finds invisible TRAITOR or A GROUP OF THEM live & kicking invisibly there; when disharmony is created out of the two peacefully existing groups of people based on cast, creed, religion or area, one surely sees the invisible hands of the TRAITOR there; when Nature is SENSELESSLY exploited & destroyed, one SURELY sees the dirty invisible hands of TRAITOR  there……..and, the list goes on & on, into the infinity…..!

The long standing demand that foreign direct investment (FDI!) is to be brought in, large scale, for the wholesome development of the seemingly extinct TRAITORS inside the country is under serious consideration of the Finance Ministry! What everyone fails to recollect is that foreign direct investment (FDI!) is ALREADY HEAVILY involved in this TRAITOR INDUSRTY (TI!), through Invisible Traitor Channels (ITCs!)!

It is ‘heavily’ demanded that according to the stature of the TRAITOR in the society or the damage he/she has inflicted on the section of the Indian Populace he or she SHOULD BE given due recognition matching their standards of performance in their respective fields of treachery, honouring them with great award like Deshdrohibhushan, Deshdrohivibhushan, Deshdrohiratna etc; there is ALSO a surging demand, now a days, to recognize the traitors who are no more while DOING THEIR TRAITOROUS DUTY & honour them with Deshdrohibhushan or Deshdrohivibhushan or Deshdrohiratna etc, posthumously!

The US internet companies are doing BRISK BUSINESS in India, selling & helping to maintain the numerous sites like , , , , , , , , , , , etc! And, innumerable Indian Traitors (ITs!) or Various Types of Indian Drohees (IDs!) hide behind these web addresses to help develop & help those who are ready to work 24/7 ‘AGAINST’ one’s own society, group, state, desh, country etc!  

EVERYONE IN INDIA has the right & responsibility to find out the Traitors or Drohees in and around their IMMEDIATE SOCIETY & SURROUNDINGS first and TRUMPET those names & what all they have done AGAINST the society, desh, state, country etc, all over the places, personally & with the help of their own immediate groups AS the media & all are WELL controlled by these Traitors & Drohees and their well wishers that NOTHING OF THEIR VICIOUS DOINGS, which destroys & debilitates the People, Society, Desh, State, Country etc, will ever come to the light of the day via the media!  

Let’s Keep Ourselves Awake that the Traitors’ in Life, Politics, Governments of State & the Centre, Policy Makers, Judiciary, Police, Bureaucracy, Media, Education, Culture, Literature, Sports, Games, Utilitarian Sciences like Medicinal Sciences, Research, Information Dissemination etc, who severely damage people & society of the state/desh/country etc by ‘DESTROYING’ Time, Life, Effort, Money, Structures Of Existences like Nature beyond repair, BE STOPPED on their tracks ABRUPTLY & FORCED TO PAY HEAVILY for their crimes AGAINST Our Society, People, Desh, State, Country with sly debilitating attacks that HERE EMERGE a country where ONLY a very insignificant number of Traitors or Drohees of various types exist!

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