
Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The standard of modern day reporting/jounalism has come down to such a lowthat the word has lost the real meaning of it! Now a days anyone can be a reporter or a special reporter as there are no criterion or criteria to be a reporter or journalist.To become a journalist or news reporter, what is required is some sort of qualityless diploma or degree or anything in journalism- even if you havent any you still can become a journalist provided youhave the proper sort of connections- and some sort of brazenness or arrogance that will fetch you good marks as far as a job in the journalism field is concerned!

One, for a starting, will be asked to write/report about something that is of lesser significance, as 'important' work will be assigned 'only' to trusted and proven reporters! One starts out to prove a point or two, reading some write ups or articles and related things from some low class magazines, weeklies etc. or some reports based on 'nothingness' or someinternet gossip on the subject. He askes some questions to someone whom he thinks very related to the subject he is 'working on'! Despite analysing- for that one needsa lot of accurate data and enough sense- all the 'gathered' pieces of 'false and half baked information' he embarks on the great voyage of article writing! He writes it and getsit published in the news paper or magazine or whatsoever he is paid to work for!

The next time anything even distantly related to the subject he has written comes to a point of being written about he is asked to do the job and in time anything or everything related or 'unrelated' to the subject he has written for the first timewill have a 'piece of opinion' from him. He will be trumpeted as the master of that particular subject or topic or a couple of other 'related or unrelated topics' that he becomes an integral part of any symposium, seminar, workshop, debate,talk show related or unrelated to the subject he has written for the first time and a 'great' contributor to the caucuses or pressure groups etc. He is always 'invited' to 'analyse' any given situation and makes his 'educated' predictions and suggestions and remarks that the 'ordinary' people get the 'clear' picture of the things existing and feel elated!

As he has become 'really important' because of 'the great research work' he has done in any field of journalism and 'the expertise' he has gathered over timehe should show a little bit of arrogance and 'never learn' anything substantial in any field or subject, as he 'is capable of' speaking, talking and writing off handon anything or everything under the Sun! He should be 'boot lickingly loyal' to his paymasters and whatever he writes should be perfect fit for the 'small circle of freedom'he has in 'his news producing organisation!' He should 'never ever' focus on 'the real' problems and issues and should always focus his attention on 'microscopic foolishnessand stupidity' of any insignificant topic and 'Himalayanise' them, writing volumes about them! And he should always act extremely busy that no one should takehim for granted! He should write whatever he 'feels' is right and should 'never' go into any subject deep, that he should know only 'skin deep'! And, he should assume the importance and significance of the Almighty that people should think 'only' what he tells is right and nothing else is, even if, most of the times he does notknow what he is talking about, and try to become a talk show or news hour hostof a TV channel! And the great 'Modern Day Scribe' is born!

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