
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I say/predict what I think is correct based on the pieces of information I have at my disposal;he says/predicts what he thinks is the right thing from his data; she says/predictswhat she learned from the calculations she made based on collected facts.......Everybody should try their best to trumpet what they found out! And, sometimes,one of these findings/predictions, may become a reality of sorts by SHEER CHANCE!

Then, its the turn of the person predicted to claim victory aloud, with the support of the media!Then, all the GREAT PREDICTIONS one did, which never saw the light of day will be forgotten by all and the person who chance-predicted becomes the Oracle! This is how most of the statistitians, analysts & others predict things!

I heard, a fortune teller with a parrot, and no education, became a Great Oracle once, whom people from Wall Street to Cape Good Hope, followed madly for his predictionsas he was running his consultancy, just before the financial melt down in America! Now, the people are discussing wheather its the parrot who predicted wrong or the fortune teller!Somebody blamed it on the media & others on the fragile sentiments of people! Someone even dared to say that he was NOT A Fortune Teller but A Gambler From Las Vegas, who lost his shirt gambling! How dare he??! Anyway, PREDICTING CORRECTLY has become BIG BUSINESS these days!

Try practising predicting what will happen if rain comes when you are on the road, what will happen this day next year at 3.15pm, who will land on the Sun first, what will happen if mangoes are grown in an arid area, when will the news papersbe wiped out from the surface of the Earth completely, how many years it will takefor Man to spoil the great culture he has built taking millenia etc. Have a try!!!

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