
Sunday, June 5, 2011

An Illusory India!

Since Independance in 1947, we the Indians, have been living in a LARGER THAN LIFE ILLUSION inside which there are hundreds of thousands of smaller illusions! With the Independance started these hundreds of illusions that we Indians never knew we are born into one of the biggest of all the illusions & still go on living in it without ever having even the faintest of the idea! We kept living in the illusion or illusions as if we were living in the Real India, which it never was or is!

Everything seemed and even now look like a dream come true....The overthrowing of the more than 200 year old suppression of the soul of India & the colourful dawn of a new era was something that looked like a heavenly dream come true! But, the-dreams-come-true & illusions walked hand in hand that the INEXPERIENCED INDIANS, from 1947, failed to identify which one is a dream come true & which one is an illusion. In the guise of dreams what most of us got & seemed to be enjoying were & are HUGE illusions which we always failed to understand.....from 1947!

Most probably, those persons, who were at the forefront of our freedom struggle, must have found themselves in an unenviable posision from the point when we got the so called freedom; if someone had any doubt about the precarious situation they were in, that too was cleared when the father of the nation was assassinated in 1948. From then on, it was pretentions after pretensions & the creation of one illusion after the other.....this illusion-creation never stopped & has been carried into the present generation! Expecting miracles in an illusiory India, with its roots deeply mired in illusions, crores of people moved forward & they still keep moving forward!

Generations have gone & the new ones 'SEEM' TO BE THRIVING IN AN ILLUSIORY ENERGY! They see an India where they think their dreams will grow wings....Not any different from their parents & grand parents who dreamed the same dream and vanished somewhere as in a dream! But, the illusionists keep doing their job almost perfectly that the new generation as well MISERABLY FAIL TO READ HISTORY! And the illusionists of the present day India make it pretty sure that the present genaration too fail to understand they are living in an ILLUSORY INDIA WITHOUT ANY BASE!

It is an illusion that we Indians called & are calling India was & is always well beyond the comprehensive capacity of Indians, who form 99.999 % of the Indian population!
In other words, we can call India a collection of illusions like CULTURE (A show of something which never existed & never was!), INFORMATION SYSTEMS (Which always inform the vested interests & always spread misinformation etc!), DEMOCRACY (The democracy of the powerful, for the powerful & by the powerful!), SECULARISM (Secularism deeply based on religion & cast!), GOVERNMENTS (Of all the sorts of misgovernance, greed, extreme partiality etc!), LAW & ORDER (Things of extremely transcient nature!), TAX COLLECTION (A collection of senselessness, lack of creativity, extreme partiality etc!) & DISTRIBUTION (To the un-needed, overfed, over-protected, over-luxorious, over-educated & everysort of people who's TAG starts with 'OVER'!) systems, EDUCATION (where aping is the fad, culture & civilization lost eons ago and LIFE is never known!), RULE (ruling ONLY the law abiding, well mannered, highly obedient & rulable!) etc!

When we look at India from an extraordinarily sensible angle, though it is impossible for 99.999% of the Indian population, what we see is an anarchy of illusory systems! We see millions of systems here without any consequence; here we see systems making more systems & an anarchy of systems! Quoting Shakespeare we can say that 'our systems are made by the same stuff the illusions are made of!' Whatever here is IS for anarchy of illusions.....! And, it's an extremely colourful explosive display of illusory systems....!

The often raised question "What will happen to the aam aadmi/common man?!" is something that has expired its date long ago, as whatever is 'LOUDLY' WORRIED ABOUT & CRIED OVER as 'THE PRESENT PATHETIC STATE OF THE COMMON MAN' or 'THE GOING TO BE PATHETIC STATE OF THE COMMON MAN' -ie the doomed state of the common man!- HAD ALREADY HAPPENED DECADES AGO!

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