
Friday, April 20, 2012

An Ode On The Silly, Stupid & Insignificant!

“Significance, In All Its Forms & Manifestations, Is Dead, Long Live Insignificance (& Ofcourse The Silly & Stupid), The Master Of The Present!”
From The Holy Book Of The Insignificant, Silly & Stupid.

It’s the time of the stupid; it’s the reign of the silly; it’s the age of the insignificant! And, all the people who are supposedly alive here are to be the strict adherers of the Master Insignificance! They got to be having nothing worthwhile, as far as quality is concerned, in their lives! Here, there & everywhere there should ONLY be Master Insignificance present!

 In the films, serials, write ups, promotions, speeches, advices, performances, articles written, literature, songs, music, information, art, news, reporting, media, life, education, training, service, governments, politics, public sector, private sector, talk, relationships, courtships, love affairs, institutions, marriages, discussions, love letters, other letters, conversations, thought & all the other things related to human existence the enviable presence of Master Insignificance should be seen and observed, wholesomely! 

The base setting for the Insignificant Kingdom has been set taking a couple of decades when the door keepers, servants, slaves, trainers of insignificance & all have been gathered & trained masterly in the great domain of Insignificance! The education to be imparted that is the education of the age of the Insignificant itself, the books of learning in the time of Insignificance, the public & private activities at the time of Insignificance, the Insignificance Trainers by whom the world will be wholesomely converted into the one where ONLY Master Insignificance dwells and all that have to be there in the Reign of Insignificance have been gathered, painstakingly, arranged in their respective insignificant places & got them activated, step by step, over the decades! 

The media which has a somewhat significant reach & role has been masterly trained in the Art of Insignificance that they never leave the True Path of Insignificance and they report ONLY THE INSIGNIFICANT 24/7! They will never tolerate significance or its relatives anywhere near them & before they got the Insignificance Training they had already booted the significant & important in the favour of their New God Insignificance! They are masterly trained to select only those Insignificant things & materials, Insignificantly Carefully, to put them in their medium that people ONLY understand & learn the Significance of Insignificance, Silly and Stupid & emulate them wholesomely in their very Insignificant Life! 

The media has been doing its insignificant duty pretty well that almost everything significant (Like the wholesomely distressing situations in which crores of people have been living in, the sufferings human beings go through, the dirty & inhumanly ways most of the human beings are treated, the mass suicides committed by the utterly hopeless, anything & everything basic, positive & enriching the human life, the wholesome destruction of Nature, the whole scale poisoning & dreadful contamination of food, water, air etc, the futility of the education given, the whole scale loss of human life, all across the spectrum due to the complete loss of human values, great & positive ideas, ideals, falsification of truths & facts of everything including life, deliberately spread false information of all sorts, peace of mind etc, ) has been thrown into the waste basket, specially kept for significant things!

And only the silly, stupid & insignificant (The insignificant style of  an insignificant apparel of an insignificant media created diva who is a total failure in life; the gait of a media propelled whore who is eulogised as the one with an extremely broad heart; the totally insignificant events where the heavily over weight & malady infested gluttons swallowed truck loads of junk food & gulped down gallons of useless & harmful sweetened aerated impurities; the variety colours applied on the seats of these malady infested & mentally totally unstable people’s toilets; the under wear on which the media made & propelled whore displayed the condom sign made of jewels which are worth millions of dollars; the stupidest & the most useless of the games where poorly & wrongly informed common people spend most of their time, money, energy & life itself; the longest running media information serialisation on what the servant of the Never Heard Queen in the inner most part of the Amazon forests do just before she goes to sleep; an information series on what the people of the world might look like in the year 5013 AD; what did a particular ignorant and equally stupid minister or politician said -& keep telling about!- about a thing or matter of which he or she never knew anything about & will know about; the importance of sleeping 10 hours & exercising 3+2 = 5 hours daily to have a body that can be wholesomely exploited by the crafty people in body building, Aerobics & medical businesses, in whatever way they like to exploit till one is no more there in the world to be squeezed more; the wonderful education & the educational environment in a very particular educational institution which charges a fortune & gives back nothing for the money taken and spoils all the ones who enter there in the hope of living a human life; the dragon tattoo done on the buttocks of the singing goddess which is put there in the memory of her 155th boy friend who died due to some unknown diseases; the most innovative, different & attractive styles –which were very successfully executed world over-  in which one can destroy trees & never plant one and ofcourse grind down Nature on the way; the most interesting & the so called fashionable game of eating the bull shit, which was very popular in Great Nicaraguasia –which was largely supposed & believed to have great and incomparable medicinal & curative powers by the little known Nicaraguasians who died of serious illnesses 212 or so years ago; how great things like depression, anxiety, avarice, inhuman ambitions, gluttony, qualitylessness (lack of quality!), greed, hoarding, intoxication of the extreme levels, smoking 24/7, adulteration, poisoning the mind, living as lazily as possible etc can elevate human beings to the next level and develop the Economy and human being in totality, at the same time; & what all great research works are going on all the above mentioned matters spending billions of dollars in various parts of the world where dollars, euros & pounds rule; how to reinvent the wheel a million times; how the Religious Ignorance & Intolerance should be well developed & spread systematically using the rare resources of a democracy –which means public/common man’s hard earned money, resources, life etc!; how religious, communal and all other sorts of fanaticism should be promoted & fanned; how to have a panel discussion, for years, on how the price hike in aviation fuel in the year 2047 will affect the common man; write, talk, discuss, print, walk the talk, talk the walk etc on the great & extremely destructive bearing the introduction of government bonds, future options, reckless speculation, carry forward system etc when human beings open the first ever stock exchange in Mars etc; whether the people suffering from acute famine in the African countries should go for creamed cake or not; how many so called socialites (Women!), glamour girls ( Most of them will force nausea out of anyone living & the dead never commented, till date, on this insignificant issue!), socially committed Miss Universes, Miss Worlds, publicly & socially dedicated film stars (Women!) and the others (Women!) tore away their cloths & showed their under wears & MORE in full public & media glare to raise funds – which are supposed to have erased famine & poverty from the face of Mother Earth, for ever!- for those who suffer from famine, civil wars, human trafficking etc in Antarctica; how much the Egyptian termite eaten under wear, supposedly used by Cleopatra (Though it is still under intense Scientific Discussion & debate whether she used one or not it is scientifically proven, beyond any doubt, that the termite which swallowed most of it is purely Egyptian!) will fetch @ the Southby’s in London; if the civil wars, sectarian violence, ethnic cleansing, development & expansion of religious fundamentalism etc should be nationalised & universalised or not; and, other millions of equally or sometimes more Insignificantly Significant Matters (ISMs!) the media has to get under it’s all magnifying insignificant lenses and present them in various forms to Educate The World!) got into whatever medium they have, 24/7! 

Education, thoughts, standards of life, ideas, ideals, morals, human behaviour, human relationships, human interactions & life itself should be based on the insignificant, silly & stupid; and, no exceptions should be made, ever, in favour of the disgusting thing or whatever called Quality! Nothing significant, important, of any use to any one or any body, worthwhile, positive etc should be seen anywhere on the surface of the Mother Earth! Every thing should be silly, stupid & completely insignificant! People should eat, drink, breath, think & live Insignificance! "O Master Insignificance, The Ruler Of The Entire Insignificant, Silly & Stupid, World Over, Thy Kingdom Has Come!”.....!

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