
Thursday, November 17, 2016


‘All’ the Indians are cheats, liars, black money hoarders, black money hiders, black money printers (Black being the colour of Evil, Devil, a HUGE number of Indians, Africans, &, white, the colour of peace flag, fairness creams, powders & of course, the colour of the British slave merchants who decimated India for more than200 years!), fake currency printers, cheaters, seditious criminals, anti national infidels, terrorists, suspects, the accused, the doubted, tax evaders, potential criminals, fugitives, criminals having ‘ILLEGAL’ sexual intercourses with the UNREGISTERED & UNCERTIFIED, the ones who ALWAYS do/speak/opine contempt of court, the one who ALWAYS do/speak/opine contempt of police, the one who ALWAYS do/speak/opine contempt of government & even NON INDIANS! This is what all the CENTRAL GOVERNMENTS, and, of course, state governments insist, from time to time!

And, it IS the ‘ONLY’ duty of an Indian to prove from dawn to dusk & Sunday to Saturday & January to December & Birth to Death that he is ‘NOT’ such a one (OR a combination of the above stated multiples!), as painted in the previous paragraph, spending one’s hard earned money, effort & even life, whenever & wherever the Central governments & state governments accuse one, intermittently, nonstop, of 100% being so , i.e., thousands of times, according to the whims & fancies of the so called elected rulers or SHOULD we call them ‘DERANGED DICTATORS (DDs!)’?!!!

The onus is always ‘on’ the common man (As it SHOULD BE, as it is common to accuse the common man, commonly!) and it is HIS LIFE that is screwed up, ALWAYS! The ‘ONLY’ duty of the ‘so called’ elected governments is to ‘simply accuse’ & ‘keep finding’ newer accusations that can be thrown on the utterly defenseless common man, one after another & now & then! Research work, with the HELP of FOREIGN AID, has been going on, on the war footing in this field of finding newer accusations (FNAs!)! Foreign investment is gushing forth in this field of research & development (R&D!); and, the only ‘Functioning Wing’ (OFW!) of the Indian Research Foundation is the ‘REFORMEDNewer Accusation & Doubt Finding Agency of India with Foreign Aid (NADFAIFA!)!

Central Governments (CGs! Or c(a)g(e)s??) ALWAYS KEPT ASKING to do this & do that to prove our INDIANNESS, as if Indians’ Indianness changes like a chameleon changes its colour, every now & then!

Indians driving a four wheeler were FORCED TO peel off the sunscreens they put on their vehicles, spending their own well earned money, to shield themselves from the ALL PRYING EYES of the paparazzi minded criminals in the society, claiming that all the Indians travelling inside a sun screened vehicle are POTENTIAL TERRORISTS or INTERNATIONAL FUGITIVES or  BIN LADENS! By such a foolish & arrogant move the central government put the onus of proving themselves NON TERRORISTS, NON RAPISTS, NON FUGITIVES, NON BIN LADES etc on the common man, again!    

Spending thousands of crores of common man’s money, the Central GovernmentthenIMPOSED CCTVs, even inside the common man’s bedrooms, in the name of nonexistent & drummed up security threats & put everything recorded ‘LIVE’ that anyone & everyone could see when a terrorist, robber, murderer, rapist comes & does whatever, never mentioning WHAT IF the evil doer comes wearing his head properly covered or wearing an ISI helmet or the evil is done where the CCTV is absent, as putting a CCTV on every inch of Indian territory is senseless & impossible!? Thousands of CCTVs got installed, spending thousands of crores of common man’s money, are NOT functioning & thousands of CCTV recordings of the crime scenes are of NO USE to catch the culprits, due to poor lightings or poor quality recordings etc are NEVER told! Again the common man was SUSPECTED for being a terrorist, fugitive, criminal, murderer, rapist & all other sorts of evil doer & the onus of proving otherwise is ONCE AGIN PUT on the frail shoulders of the common man of India (CMI!)!

Aadhar has been ‘imposed upon’ the common man ‘with’ thousands of crores of Indian Common Man’s Money (ICMM!) thrown into the gutters to REBAPTISE Indians as Indians (Shall we call it GHAR WAPSI of a non religious kind?!!), Malayalee as Malayalee, Kannadiga as Kannadiga, Bengali as Bengali, Rajasthani as Rajasthani, Marathi as Marathi, Manipuri as Manipuri, Assamee as Assamee, Bihari as Bihari & so on! By revealing our Retinal Code to the International Criminals (ICs!), & Exposing ourselves with the DNA pattern of EVERY Indian to the EVER GREEDY, CROOKED, GAMBLING, SELFISH, PERVERTED International Beasts, WE WERE ‘MADE TO’ DIG OUR OWN GRAVES, with the government helping International Criminals (People, Businessmen, Companies & Nations!) in this matter!

It is ‘HORRIBLE’ to know that we were ‘FORCED’ to ‘PROVE’ our Indian identity by ‘SELLING’ & ‘ENDANGERING’ ourselves, fatally! All the Indians, born in India, were asked to prove ‘OUR INDIANNESS’ by the FALSE’, ‘MANIPULATED’ & ‘EVER CHANGING’ standards of the West, despite we having, at the least, more than half a dozen, accepted’ identity proofs of Indianness! We SOLD OURSELVES in the International Criminal Markets, FORCED BY the Indian central government (Which is nothing more than a FOREIGN Prime minister!), to ‘PROVE’ our loyalty to the nation!?

People GOT HIT LIKE ANYTHING the very next moment AFTER Aadhar Commotion & Suffering started abating, after months of PROVING INDIANS’ INDIANNESS! One fine evening, India’s Foreign Prime Minister (FPM!), taking ‘very’ precious time out of his foreign wanderings/flirtations, ASKED INDIANS TO ‘PROVE’ THEIR 500 & 1000 rupee notes are WHITE MONEY & THEIR INDIANNESS, and, the very next moment, vanished into the thin Japanese air, no more to be seen, again!  

The Perennially Indianness Proving Common Man Of India (PIPCMI!) got stuck with a couple of 500 & 1000 rupee notes in his Famously Holed Pocket (FHP!)! All of a sudden, he found that whatever money in 500 & 1000 notes he had became AS INVALID AS A COMMON MAN & for another more than 24 precious hours he & his family had to survive on the coins & other RELEVENT/WHITE notes of lower denomination!

With HisWhite & Foreign Master Strategy (WFMS!) India’s Foreign Prime Minister (FPM!) has REVEALED (As Moses did to the Israelites!) TO THE AWE STRUCK nation that all the BLACK money in India is stored in 500 & 1000 rupee notes & all the BLACK MONEY stored in 100 rupee notes, gold, diamond, stock & share, land  etc is WHITE! Really, it was a ground breaking revelation or should one say ground breaking discovery for which he would ‘surely’ be given the Nobel for Economics & Oscar for the best actor, next year! People even doubt that he would be cannonised as the Saint for Economics by the Vatican & the Indian government would honour him with nothing less than the Barath Rathna for just making ALL THE BLACK MONEY IN INDIA vanish in just one master move! Whether THE ORIGINAL THUGLAK will contest Our FPM’s grand claims to fame is to be seen!

By declaring ALL the 500 & 1000 notes invalid, Our FPM has, without his knowledge, gave away the clear picture of the validity & credibility of those who printed these notes, i.e. the government itself (Or, in other words, that All Powerful ‘FPM’himself!)! The credibility of the Indian Currency notes got smashed one fine night, that too by the So Called FPM of Our Own Country; what a shame!  

It is reported through various news channels, from which one can hear ‘ONLY’ truths, that lakhs & lakhs of black marketers, black money hoarders etc are arrested in the thousands of branches of various banks, all over India, &, @ tens of thousands of post offices, as they rush to exchange the 500-1000 rupee BLACK MONEY NOTES! It is also reported that there is a war like situation in all the jails of the country as the room the jails have seems pretty inadequate to keep all the 500-1000 notewallah BLACK MONEY hoarders (500-1000 NBMHs!) inside the limited area as the BLACK MONEY HOADERS seems to be numberless!

THE STAUNCH SUPPORTERS OF THE FPM TRUMPET THAT the promise by the FPM to the Indians when he was trying to get himself elected in 2014 that he would provide JOBS to the Indians is kept by this 500-1000 ‘BLACK’ move as crores of Indians got jobs AS (1) PORTERS/COOLIES to carry the non black money notes when a BLACK 1000 rupee note was exchanged for 1000 single rupee coins etc (2) Queuers who stood in the serpentine queues, from dawn to dusk, to change a couple of BLACK 500-1000 notes (3) Patients (meaning those who has patience!) who patiently stood like beggars to get the money they earned, struggling in their lives (4) Humblers as waiting for one’s turn to come as slaves in the banks & post offices has been a humbling experience which taught BLACK ( = NOT white!) INDIANS ‘How It Was Before We Got The So Called Independence’ etc!!

THE STAUNCH SUPPORTERS OF THE FPM  also claim that it was found out by the various intelligence agencies & international study groups that thousands of FARMERS commit suicide in India BECAUSE OF the BLACK MONEY they hoarded inside their farmlands which the 500-1000 BLACK MONEY CATCHER FPM never allowed to appear over ground & around 40 crores of Indians go to sleep, empty bellied, EVERY NIGHT BECAUSE OF the same BLACK MONEY they hoarded underground which the VERY PROGRESSIVE & DEVELOPMENTAL FPM who is DEAD AGAINST THE 500-1000 BLACK MONEY HOARDRES (500-1000 BMH!) never allow to appear above the ground! STUDIES HAVE TO BE TRUSTED, PARTICULARLY, INTERNATIONAL ONES!!

But, some ‘PESSIMISTS’ baselessly ask How will the 500-1000 BLACK MONEY HATER FPM catch those who HID THE BLACK MONEY in 100 rupee notes, gold, diamonds, stock & share, land etc’, as they baselessly feign to ask the question whether our FPM will ask THOSE BLACK MONEY HIDDERS to carry all the BLACK LAND, BLACK GOLD, BLACK DIAMOND, BLACK STOCK & BLACK SHARE etc to the various bank branches & post offices, all over India, & get them exchanged in smaller, tiny pieces, parts & EVEN PARTICLES (WHITE, OF COURSE!!)?! Some of those ‘STUPID’ teasers even ask WHO has the authority to tell how to use, when to use, where to store, how to store the money one earned, working HARD, all one’s Life!

They ASK if a person who NEVER trusts banks & other financial institutions (There are crores of ‘SUCH’ people!), as HE knows they are all there ONLY to trick & loot the customer, keeps the money (Legally Taxless 2.5 lakh, a year!) unto himself for 5 years he would have 12.5 lakhs in cash with him; then, what sort of ‘PROOF’ he has to give for the money he has; there is NO such need, at all, IS THE TRUTH?! They also tell that they will take care of the money they earned, sincerely & honestly, taking pains and, no one has the right to call their money BLACK, just for the sake of calling something BLACK!
In a country WHERE (1) bail & non bail with incarceration is IMPOSED UPON AN ACCUSED (NOT A CONVICT!), (2) sedition is ‘Court Trailed’, every other day, only on the basis of ‘SUSPICION’ & ‘COMPLAINT’, of some thin skinned, court happy or court addicted persons, (3) NON DEAD certificates are asked every now & then, (4) notary attested ‘something’ has to be carried, on the person, day & night, (5) police verification of the passport applicant is LEGALLY done after one getting the passport & the verifying officer getting some extra valueless Indian money (VIM!), (6) LKG-UKG admission seeking kids are FORCED TO FURNISH ‘ALL CLEAR’ CERTIFICATES (ACCs!) from the ‘Eye Testing Centre (ETC!) to get admission in the LKG-UKG sector (It is a sector, NOT school!), (7) to renew one’s passport two neighbours’ signatures with ID proof is DEMANDED, (8) round the clock marriage certificate attestation & verification by the moral police & police of any couple, anywhere, 24/7, all over the country, (9) vaccination compliance verification & re verification & FORCEFULL compliance by the so called health department chamchas & their cronies are carried out stealthily, (10) pollution certificate IMPOSITION on the common man, when the reason for the emission is the ADULTERATION SUPPORTED & DONE BY THE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES & OIL COMPANIIES, is done in the name of FALSE & SENSELESS laws, (11) poison, waste, non edible items, manipulated-adulterated items are certified, permitted, promoted & supplied to the defenseless common man as FOOD & BEVERAGES by the governments, (12) ONLY the tricky, HUGELY exploitative & makeshift English Medicinal system is promoted out of the hundreds of REAL medical treatment systems (Which includes the traditional Ayurveda, Unani, Naturopathy, Pranic Healing etc) to shamelessly exploit the common man, (13) ONLY medical certificates of/from an English Doctor is accepted as proof in medical matters, (14) insurance is nothing but the shameless exploitation of common man’s ignorance & fear of the uncertain future, (15) multitudes of unjust taxes are imposed, nonstop,  for NON DOING THINGS & MAINTAINING ALL THE THINGS IN UTTER NEGLECT & DISREPAIR (Roads & All!) etc, (16) service taxes are collected for services NEVER rendered ( By lawyers, teachers, petrol delivery stations and another numberless people!), (17) certified helmets which can NEVER protect one’s head in a real accidents is FORCED on the common man’s head in the name of safety & other lakhs of SENSELESS THINGS are RULING THE SO CALLED DEMOCRATIC NATION what else can be expected from the FPM of such a chaotic nation???    

‘IF’ ALL THE INDIANS ‘ARE’ cheats, liars, black money hoarders, black money hiders, black money printers, fake currency printers, cheaters, seditious criminals, anti national infidels, terrorists, suspects, the accused, the doubted, tax evaders, potential criminals, fugitives, criminals having ‘ILLEGAL’ sexual intercourses with the UNREGISTERED & UNCERTIFIED, the ones who ALWAYS do/speak/opine contempt of court, the one who ALWAYS do/speak/opine contempt of police, the one who ALWAYS do/speak/opine contempt of government, NON INDIANS & OTHER SUCH RASCALS, WHAT WILL BE ‘THOSE WHO PRETEND’ THEMSELVES AS THE ‘TRUE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES’ OF SUCH PEOPLE??? THE QUESTION ITSELF ANSWERS THE QUESTION…….WHOLESOMELY!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thug Banks - TB – In India!

Almost a year back, when one of our friends went to the Bank Of India branch in Hanumanthnagar, Bangalore, to get a new Debit card in the place of an expired one, she was told by an arrogant bank Lootaccomplice (A person who is a partner or helper in the process of LOOTING, HELPING the bank to ‘TRICK’ the customers, efficiently!) to bring her PAN card, which she NEVER HAD, to have a new one! The FACT that she had been using the account for 11 or so years was ‘NOT’ enough for the Lootaccomplice, who was DEAD BENT on making her apply for a ‘PAN CARD’, one of the million identity cards an ordinary Indian IS ‘FORCED’ to carry, making one remember the ‘CARD CARRYING SYSTEM’ for the ‘BLACKS & BROWNS’ in the Imperial South Africa, wherefrom one MK Gandhi arrived in India, more than a century before, in 1915!

A couple of years ago, I learned that I could ‘REVIVE’ (Under various revival schemes –Schemes schemed by the scheming schemers of Thug Bank Industry (TBI!)!- initiated by the ‘NEW’ government policies of ‘THAT’ time!) my expired or out of service account in Canara Bank, which I started 20-25 years ago, by ‘GIVING’ the THUG BANK (TB as in TB the disease which wasted one’s Life, slowly!) 1500 or more Indian rupees, as my account ‘STOPPED” functioning due to the continuous decrease of  money in my account DUE to the non minimum balance theory (NMBT!) the TB practiced (Which means ONCE the TB stipulated minimum balance in my account dipped a rupee or so below the TB ‘stipulated’ 1000/- , which was ‘NOT’ the case when I opened the account decades back, and, TBs can ‘STIPULATE’ & ‘RESTIPULATE’ any time they wish !) they KEPT reducing ‘PENALTIES’ from my account ‘REGULARLY’ for a certain number of months, making the account (And, ofcourse me, the TB Account Holder –TBAH!) INDEBTED to the TB for MORE than 1500 Highly Devalued Indian Currency (HDIC!)! The very moment I heard this, I DISAPPERED from the TB Canara Bank premises!

Now a days, I NEVER EVER dare to go even a couple of kilometers near the TB Canara Bank, where I had my decades old TB Account AS I seriously suspect that they WILL SIEZE me & auction me in the ‘OPEN’ commodity market to SQUEEZ the more than 1500 HDIC & it’s interest out of me! When I read various MANIPULATED financial news articles (MFNA!) on the various TBs of India, I ALWAYS scan for my own photo being printed there DECLARING me an absconding Harshad Mehta or Liem Nielson who made the TB ‘tank’ under the weight of the HUGE debt (Of 1500 or so HDIC & it’s FAST growing interest!) or in the words of the ‘current’ trend –Non Performing Asset, NPA - I owe it!

When I gave a cheque to one of my friends on 12/02/16, Friday, LITTLE did I know that another one of the TBs, in the name of Catholic Syrian Bank (CSB!), where I have an account for almost 2 decades, will ‘BOUNCE’ my cheque stating that my account had been FROZEN, charging him 250/- in the process! Hearing this over the phone I FROZE myself! I could ‘NOT’ help thinking about my STATURE in the Republic of India! From my school days, I have a notion that ‘ONLY’ Important or Notorious persons got their account ‘FROZEN’ and it can be considered as a sign of the person, whose account has been ‘FROZEN’, as someone ‘NOT’ ordinary and, ofcourse, EXTRAORDINARY!

It took a couple of LOOOOOONG minutes for me to come out of this DEEP FROZEN state! I wondered whether I have enlisted myself in ISI or IS or Now Extinct ULFA or Al Qaeda, ‘in my dreams’ OR I have been ‘seriously’ suspected of HIDING a couple of Multiple Independently Targeted Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs!) & nuclear submarines ‘under’ my pillow to wage war against the nation THAT the so called AUTHORITIES, who ‘ONLY’ has, in India, the ‘Right To Freeze’ (RTF!), froze my assets!  

Frozen, though NOT deep frozen, I called the TB Catholic Syrian Bank & the woman on the other end started ‘LECTURING’ about my ‘FAILURE’ to give THE CSB THUGS the so called ‘KYC’ doc duly filled, ‘despite’ them sending me 3-4 letters, in my address, in this regard, in the last 12 or so months, ‘WHICH’, to my great surprise, I ‘NEVER’ GOT (“Should I ‘SUE’ the postal department for SWALLOWING UP all the 3-4 letters TB CSB ‘INVISIBLY’ sent me, spending a couple of decades in the Eternal Indian Courts (EICs!), spending whatever I earn?”, was the question, I knew, that ‘SHE’ wanted ‘to’ GROW, in my ‘FROZEN’ mind!)! She also ‘ARROGANTLY KINDLY’ informed me that they would ‘NEVER’ refund anything of the 250/- lost to my friend ‘solely’ due to THEIR ‘UNILATERAL’ FREEZING OF MY ACCOUNT, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE, meaning I SHOULD shell out 250/- from ‘my pocket’ to give back the money my friend lost DUE TO TB Catholic Syrian Bank’s arrogant, stupid & uncalled for ‘dastardly’ act!

It was interesting to know that ‘THEY’ accepted the money deposited in the ‘FROZEN’ account on 5th of this month (February, 2016!), ‘WITHOUT’ ME SUBMITTING THE SO CALLED ALL IMPORTANT ‘KYC’ doc, about which they ‘PRETEND’ they sent me 3-4 letters in the last 12 months or so, in which I am asked to ‘CERTIFY’ that I am ‘NOT’ a member of ISIS, ISI of Pakistan, Al Qaeda etc and I am ‘not’ working for the Chinese or the SS or Dawood for my living and all the money I deposit in the Thug Bank (TB!) is ‘not’ coming from the ‘Hawala Deal’, ‘Fake’ Currency Business, ‘Illicit’ Liquor Business, Indian Adulteration ‘Industry’ (IAI – The latest ‘declared’ industry UNDER Make In India programme!), Narcotics Smuggling & Sale (NSS!), International Arms Deals, Large scale human trafficking, flesh trade in Las Vegas & Grand road, Mumbai etc & I will ‘NEVER’ submit ‘FAKE’ HDIC, ‘printed’ in ‘my’ Counterfeit Currency Press (CCP!), underground, in the Hawaii Islands & Mariana Trench Area, failing which I would be ‘FROZEN’, again!

As the FIRST STEP to prevent the ‘LOSSES’, regularly occurring to the ‘HAPLESS’ TB customers, ‘Each’ of the employees of the TB ‘SHOULD’ give self attested declarations (Know Your TB Lootaccomplice – KYTBL!) , ‘INDIVIDUALLY’ & with government approved ID proof (Ha…ha….ha…!) & a couple of photos, to the respective customers of the ‘every’ TB branch STATING THAT (1) he/she has ‘NEVER’ been involved in any financial malpractices, any time in his/her employment period, (2) he/she has ‘NEVER’ defaulted on any loans taken anywhere during his/her life time, (3) he/she has ‘NO’ criminal background, (4) he/she has ‘NEVER’ been booked for any offence under Indian Law, (5) he/she has a ‘GOOD’ school leaving certificate (Indicating his/her personal integrity REQUIRED for  a Lootaccomplice….ha….ha..!!!), (6) he/she has ‘NO’ quarreling/aggressive attitude in his/her character, (7) he/she is a human & humane to all etc THAT every customer can WITHOUT FEAR deposit one’s own HARD earned money in the TB, at the least, @ the time of depositing! 

And, the RIGHT to DEEP FREEZE (RDF!) the employee & the particular TB branch in the Icy caverns of Antarctica will 'solely' rest on the shoulders of the respective TB branch customers if he/she is found to have ‘FALSIFIED’ in the ‘Self Declaration’ he/she has given to the TB customer!

It ‘SHOULD’ be added in ‘BOLD’ letters in the TB branch declaration that IF any money is lost to the customer, in any way –As it happened to me!- or any inconvenience is caused to him or her IT will be COMPENSATED, in no time, TAKING THE COMPENSATION ‘from’ the salary of the employee BECAUSE OF WHOM the loss occurred! (When a bank takes BACK from its own employee the money it lost due to his or her inefficiency or stupidity, the TB customer ‘ALSO’ has the SAME right to RECLAIM his/her losses!)
As, I am a person WHO, ‘like’ millions of other ordinary Indian TB customers, deposit MY WHITE MONEY in the TBs & its ‘NOT’ the TBs depositing their money in My Account, I, and, all other millions of TB customers (Or shall they be called ‘TB Patients’?!), all across India, have a right TO DEMAND the Know Your Bank (KYB!) doc , presented to EVERYONE that I & the other millions of THE CHEATED by the TBs come to KNOW what happens in the so called TB Industry (TBI!)!

As, We, The Indian Customers, ‘SHOULD’ Know Their ‘LOOTING’ Banks or Bank Lootere, the Looting Banks or Bank Lootere SHOULD give each of their customers a declaration with the attested copies of ‘relevant’ (Ha….ha…ha…!) documents, attested copies of the photos of those Bank Thugs (BT!) who HEAD the Common Customer Looting Programme (CCLP!) etc that we, the common TB customers, at the least, come to know the Treacherous ‘ETHICAL’ Business Practices (TEBP!) ‘HONESTLY’ followed in the TB Industry!

The declaration, We, the common TB customers, DEMAND & ‘ought to’ get ‘SHOULD’ also provide the ANSWERS for the following questions:

1)    How the banks cheat their customers?

2)    How much they ‘make’ every financial year, CHEATING their customers?

3)    By HIDDEN charges & all (Nothing but ‘CERTIFIED’ LOOTING Techniques - CLT!)like’ withdrawal charges, ATM charges, cheque book charges, opening charges, closing charges, maintenance charges, minimum account NON maintenance charges, Bank Luteere charges, SB charges, Bank Luteere Union Charges (BLUC!), Sunday Charges, Monday Charges, Evening Charges & Morning Charges, Exceeding charges, Non exceeding charges, Active account charges, Inactive account charges etc HOW MUCH money they make, branchwise?

4)    What all methods they use to CHEAT their customers & the percentage wise statistics of ‘every’ method adopted?

5)    Where does the customers’ deposited money end up & @ what rate of interest?

6)    Why ‘SHOULD’ all the bank officials behave AS they are the Slave Bosses of India (‘SBI’……OMG!!!?) of the slave customers (SC!) WHEN, in Reality, the money is the common man customers’ (CMC!) & they are ‘ONLY’ the low grade accomplices of the Thug Tycoons of the so called banking industry?

7)    How the government of India & other Regulatory mechanisms HELP banks CHEAT their customers?

8)    When the inefficiency of the banking staff & the banks themselves make CRORES OF INDIANS’ MONEY go waste WHO THE BANKING ‘BASTARD’ IS HELD RESPONSIBLE?

9)    What happens to the HUGE amounts of money stored in these Thug Banks (TB!) without claims or, in reality, ‘FALSELY’ DECLARED as UNCLAIMED by the CHEAT BANKS?

10)                       Why they are NOT handing over the percentage decrease in the interest rates to the customers?

11)                       Why they ALWAYS HIKE interests UNPROPORTIONATELY when the RBI hikes interest rates?

12)                       Why the Bank Regulator Mechanisms ALWAYS ‘REGULATE’ the ordinary customers & NEVER the Thug Banks (TBs!)?

13)                       Why decades’ old VERIFIED accounts ‘require’ reverification after reverification according to the ‘WHIMS & FANCIES’ of the STUPIDS in the banking Industry?

14)                       Is the Banking Industry all about ‘LOOTING’ the common customers & supplying the BOOTY to the Highwaymen Of Repute (HoR –‘Sounds’ familiar?!) SO THAT common man’s money can be ‘WRITTEN OFF’ as NPA (Non Performing Assets) etc?

15)                       Who ALL help these shameless ‘TBs’ loot ordinary customers?

(There is a welcome suggestion, signed by millions of ‘NON ENTITY & NON EXISTENT’ netizens, doing the rounds, which is under ‘serious scrutiny’ of various financial departments & ministries to FIX ‘TB’ in front of all the banks in India as Mr, Mrs, Miss, Senorita, Messers etc are fixed in certain places, ALWAYS!)

An Interesting ‘RELATED’ Article From This Same Blog, Posted On 19th, February, 2009 Can Be Read HERE!  

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

‘Modern’ Indian History & The Thugs Of The British Isles!

Most of the Englishmen, including the Lords and the Governors of the British in the British India, are presently studied and by hearted, in India, NOT because of their contribution to the Indians or the Humankind!
They all are ‘studied and appreciated’ in Indian History for what all EXTREMELY exploitative methods they used, to wholesomely exploit India and Indians and maintain them on the HEAVY chains of deprivation, exploitation etc. They are graded, studied and appreciated based on HOW, wearing a civilised/sublime mask, they were able to exploit India to its last drop of blood and natural resources!

These civilised ‘looking’ thugs came, looted India and Indians threadbare, and went back to their petty and criminal Islands, with the Indians left behind with the ‘manufactured’ chivalric stories of these crooked thugs, ‘depicted’ as the History of India in the text books, stuffed into their souls and minds!

When the so called modern Indians swallow the History of British Thugs as History of India, these thugs (who SHAMELESSLY looted India threadbare) lie NEVER remembered for any contribution to the Humanity, elsewhere! But, they are ‘counted & promenaded’ in Britain as the thugs who looted India and Indians, for centuries, to fill its ‘insatiable coffers’ by a very ETHICAL SYSTEM’ of stealing, looting, frightening, torturing, murdering, enslaving and double dealing!

Nowhere ‘else’ in the world, the cruel, vicious & imposing thugs or the robbers, their systems & lives are learned & by hearted by the people, so immersed & so dedicated as is in India where The Infamous Thugs (ITs!), Masked as Gentlemen of the Island, are studied in detail & with great enthusiasm! All the tricks, cheating, murders & other gruesome things this band of thugs shamelessly did with impunity on the Natives in India, for more than 200 years, are studied HERE & learned by heart even after the Thugs of the Isles (TIs!) are bundled out from their play ground after more than a couple of centuries! Here, the band leaders of the TIs, who regularly appeared from time to time, to loot, enslave, murder etc are great sources of research work & study and their methods of cheating the sources of energy for the Modern Thugs of India!

Wellesley, Macaulay, Dalhousie, Warren Hastings, Curzon, Cornwallis & all the Thug Band Leaders (TBLs!) who arrived from their Thug Islands & did whatever cruelty & exploitation they could do in India, are studied by tens of thousands of scholars, historians, thugs-want-to- be, murderers-want-to-be, manipulators-want-to-be, cheaters-want-to-be & others, round the clock, in the hope that one day they will ‘surely’ benefit from the study of more than 200 years of the criminal history of The Thugs of the Isles (TIs!), in India! What they are learning day & night is HOW, despite doing all the evil things, with impunity, to the HILT, they made themselves seen & appreciated as gentlemen of the Isles, EVEN almost 70 years after they were bundled out of the country!

Doctorates, Padmabushans & Padmavibhushans etc are showered on these people who ‘study & implement’ them in the Modern times, i.e. present day ‘DEMOCRATIC’ & ‘SECULAR’ Republic of India! The Thugs themselves are benign enough to appreciate these ‘STUDIOUS’ people, in their thousands, with Knighthoods, Nobels, Oscars (For, making deep ‘Scars’ of the Himalayan proportions on the Indian psyche!) etc! The so called psychologists & their infinite number of studies have ‘miserably’ failed to understand this quixotic phenomenon (QP) that occurred ‘ONLY’ in India & compared, as they found no way out of the question safely, it to the Softening of Mentality towards their captors & sympathising with them as happens & happened in numerous hostage & hijacking cases, kidnappings, rapes etc, world around, as time spent with their tormentors increases! Indian Administrative Services (Built on the system introduced to ‘WHOLESOMELY LOOT INDIA’ by the Thugs of the Isles!) & the exams they conduct to select people into their services ‘STILL’ give 100% weightage to the ‘Thugging’ Methods & their implementation and their Introducers in India, in the preparation & writing of their qualifying exams, as Modern Indian History, which is OVERLOADED with the detailed data of the Thugs of the Isles & their ‘THUGGING’ methods in India!

The wonderful, innovative & numerous ‘LOOTING’ systems these thugs introduced (Naming them as the progressive ‘Systems of  Progressive Governance - SPG’ etc!) to do nothing BUT loot, loot & loot India for more than 200 years are a lasting source of studies, researches, debates, phone in programmes, group discussions etc, inside India, a land of more than 1 billion! Railways - Introduced to ‘LOOT’ India faster, English Education - Introduced to enslave the so called ‘Educated Indians’ & with them the millions who followed them that they would be continuously & aggressively looted, Various Government Services (Or the so called Systems of Governance!), including the Indian Civil Services - to officiate the WHOLESOME looting of the country, Judiciaryto implement Robbers’ / Thugs’ Law that all over India the British Thieves thrive, Postal & Telegraph services – to send & make reach the thieves’ messages to their other thieving counter parts, elsewhere, Theories like Arya - Dravida contrast, South - North separation etc - to ‘divide, rule & loot’ a ‘Divided’ India, forever, System of Education - to demean the system of education which had been here in NON ENGLISH India for thousands of years & contaminate the Indian Thought Stream (ITS!) that they continue looting a much manipulated & educationally & culturally corrupted society of people etc ARE to be taught & learned as the systems of development & standards, in the Indian Republic, WHERE the Standards of The Thugs of the Isles have ‘ALMOST’ become the standards of the so called free & modern nation of more than 1billion! Roads, libraries, museums, tea & coffee estates etc, all over India, are named after these thugs & their statues are strewn across the country which ‘they raided threadbare’ for more than 200 years, in PRAISE OF THE ‘GREAT’ THUG SERVICES RENDERED to the nation!
We, the studious Indians who ‘SELDOM’ learn, study various incidents & things from the ‘BRITISH THUG ERA’ (BTE!) like the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, where we learn the first lessons of the Thugs’ frustration in ‘NOT’ getting ‘exactly’ what’s being expected & asked from India & Indians – Total Supplication to the Total Exploitation they professed & propagated, Partition of Bengal in 1905, where we learn the Thug Technique (TT!) of dividing Indians along the religious lines & continuing the loot UNABATED, Cellular Jail in Port Blair, in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, where we learn HOW the owners of the nation can be BRUTALLY persecuted & killed by the British Thugs ‘for asking their birth right – Freedom’, Jalianwallah Bagh of 1919, where we learn HOW an Inhuman British ‘Thug’ (IBT!) can kill hundreds of helpless unarmed common men & women with guns, just for NOTHING, Participating in the World War I, ‘sacrificing’ more than 70000 Indians, where we learn HOW we sacrificed OUR OWN BRETHERN for the convenience of the British Thugs, fighting Other Thugs (OTs!), elsewhere, Denying the ‘PROMISED’ Self Governance after the First World War, where we learn HOW the Cheating Thugs cheated again, throwing their own promise to the wind, Hanging & horrifying persecution of thousands of Patriots of India, where we learned HOW the Owners of the Land are persecuted & hanged for asking Their Land back from the Murderous Thugs (MTs!), Hunting & falsification of Subhas Chandra Bose, where we learn HOW The British Thugs (BT!) isolated ‘The Eternal Fighting Son of India’ & made him live outside India, craving & fighting for the FREEDOM of the country, EVEN AFTER Independence in 1947, TILL 1985 September,  Partition of India, where we learn HOW the BRITISH THUGS executed their’ Long Held Dream/Plan of Dividing the House of the Natives/Indians into 2 Nations on the basis of religion that the Brothers of the House continue fighting endlessly, killing & assaulting their own brothers in the name of another nation (Illusion/Illusory Nation!) ‘created’ by the British Thugs - Pakistan etc!

We, Indians, also study, ourselves wholesomely immersed, about the pirates of the Caribbean, the thieves of China, the specialties of Anguleemala, in the times of the Buddha, Treasure Island, Professor Moriarty, the NOTORIOUS criminal gangs, crime syndicates, mafia,  robbers, thieves, thugs, looters, murderers, cheaters & the likes of the other countries, worldwide, that we, Indians, can have a great chance to have a COMPARATIVE & COMPREHENSIVE STUDY of the Thugs of the British Isles & get doctorates, accolades, awards etc from our own systems in India & have a fair understanding of ‘How the System Works’, in the present day India!  

A lot of invaluable treasures LOOTED from India are PROUDLY kept displayed in the Thug Isles, by the posterity of the Thugs who Looted India (TLIs!), EVEN NOW, where the History of the Savagery, Looting & Damage done to the oldest of the civilisations of the world is celebrated, UNASHAMEDLY, as their Great Colonial THUG History (GCTH!)! What they PRETEND hard to forget is that Gentlemen NEVER colonised others/other people & looted them threadbare shamelessly for centuries & Thugs Never Made Gentlemen’!
But, they can rest, at the least, for the time being, in the knowledge that it is ‘ONLY’ the Indians, anywhere in the world, who sing paeans to their tormentors & create statues for those’ who murdered, raped, incarcerated, exploited, suppressed their brethren, in their millions, etc, for centuries, with ruthless & brutal power and senseless aggression! They can also heave a sigh of relief when they know that the unfinished task they left behind is, in the right earnest, tried to be fulfilled HARD by those who are ‘there’ in the so called independent Secular Republic of India, stepping into the Thug Shoes they left behind in 1947 – the Wholesome destruction of the Culture & Civilisation of India, which are thousands of years old & the oldest!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Rights Of An Indian Citizen!

People of India –The So Called Common Men Of The Indian State!- are provided with GREAT Constitutional Rights, Human Rights, Personal Rights etc by the Indian Constitution! All the 127 crore Indians are PROUD of the rights they have been OFFERED by the constitution, though they SELDOM Know & Get them in their lives as the Indian Citizens!

But, as a living – sometimes, dead, as well! – citizen of Our Democratic India (ODI) - ‘Don’t think the other way, as is trending!!! - every Indian will get the following RIGHTS, come what may! In the matter of these rights, there is/are NO dilution, NO excuses, NO denying, NO year long procedures, NO eon Long Legal Battles (e - LLB!!!), NO confusions etc allowed to breeze in! IN THE MATTER OF THESE ‘GOD’ GIVEN RIGHTS (GGRs!), Indians are showered with them, day in & day out, as had been with poisonous gases, in the concentration camps of Hitler’s Germany!

Since, the liberalisation happened in the 1990s – Volumes have been written in praise of it & the WONDERFULLY positive impacts it had & continuously has on the ‘EVER’ Progressive Indian Society (EPIS!), since then, already! – these GGRs have ALWAYS been there for the Common Man of India (CMI!)!

His/Her Right (HR!) to get HIGHLY adulterated food to eat & feed his children has NEVER been undermined,since Liberalisation! Various governments & government agencies, since Liberalisation, has ‘LIBERALISED’ the food QUALITY Standards (FQS!) on the basis of various ‘STUDIES’ which found out that Common Indians are more ‘Poison Feedable (PF!)’ than as it was in the earlier Indian decades!

Hence, the Permissible Poison Levels (PPLs!) have been HUGELY increased that the POOR companies, corporates, businessmen & hoarders who poison the food items EKE OUT A MEAGRE LIVING, out of HUGELY adulterating & poisoning the food items of  the Indian Commoners (ICs), in their crores!  Serious lab work is done in the various Indian labs & research institutes & in ‘SPECIAL’ cases, labs ‘OUTSIDE’, to UP the tolerance level of the India Poison Eaters (IPEs!), across the spectrum! From all these things, we can POSITIVELY appreciate the progressive liberation TURNED ON, in the Indian Food Sector (IFS!)!

His/Her Right (HR!) to drink HIGHLY polluted water, all over India, & quench his/her children’s thirst has become an inalienable one, since the Liberalisation! The Liberalisation opened up the doors for the water polluters – In the multiple forms of Industries, waste dumpers etc - in such a way that restraining them has become the last priority of those who are ‘SUPPOSEDLY’ placed in the positions to EFFECTIVELY check pollution, paying from the tax payers’ money! Water has been MADE a roaring business with the common man ALWAYS @ the receiving end!

Even, waste water got sold as mineral & purified drinking water to the common man (“It’s all a part of World Business Ethical Practices!, the ‘People in the Know’ screamed, in the various Elite Business School symposiums!), with no one getting caught! It has all been the days of Water Liberalisation (WI!) since 1990s, in India! Ground water has been shamelessly & aggressively exploited, with the Neo Liberal policies of a SELFLESS group of Liberalisation Crazy policy makers to SATISFY a Limited Few (LF!) who are in the business of Seamlessly, Senselessly & Aggressively Exploiting ‘available’ water sources in India,, making HUGE profits out of it!

His/Her Right (HR!) to inhale heavily polluted air & succumb to various serious illnesses is another inalienable right Indian Common Man has, all over India! From 1990s, all over India, vehicles started to multiple, like anything (As a result of the so called progress made, all over India!) via Liberalisation of Vehicles from the multinational auto giants which populated India with Poison Spitting Varieties of ‘Attractive’ Vehicles (PSVAVs!)!It is a Truth that Liberalisation prevents ‘NOTHING TOXIC’ BUT elevates the TOXIC tolerance level (TTL!) of the common man of India!’ After all, it is the sale of millions of Poison Spitting Vehicles (PSVs!) & the UP TO 90% loans availed by the buyers of These Air Pollutants (TAPs!) which SHOWCASE Indian Liberalism & Liberalisation, all over the worldMUCH TO THE APPRECIATION OF THE WORLD BODY OF POLLUTANT VEHICLE COMPANIES!

The studies, expert committees, World Pollution Body (WPB!) - Which is an ‘EXCLUSIVE’ body of Vehicle Makers!- & other World Bodies have found out that all the air pollution, in India (Including the China-like pollution in Delhi, Mumbai & other major cities!) is ‘SOLELY’ due to the burning of the fossil fuel in the Indian households & the burning of hay & farm waste in Punjab & Haryana by the farmers of those 2 states & vehicles have NO role in it, whatsoever!!! They welcomed the Liberated & Liberalising Governments (LLGs!)’ move to STOP the cooking of the common households in favour of a couple of New & Advanced Vehicle Pollutants (NAVPs!), in their millions that the country SHOWS ITS PROGRESS, GLOBALLY!

His/Her Right (HR!) to get admitted in a hospital & get the worst treatment from the so called SAVERS of the commoners (SC!) is another right a commoner invariably enjoys in India! He will have to gobble up ‘TRUCK LOADS’ of medicine & go through innumerable tests & scans that the hospitals & medical companies THRIVE in a Liberal & Liberated India!

We, Indians can be very proud in knowing that a BIG chunk of westerners are eating food because we are eating an EQUAL QUANTITY OF UNNECESSARY MEDICINES (SOMETIMES, POISON, EVEN!)! Hope, we, Indian Commoners, get some brownie points from the western families which SURVIVE SOLELYbecause of us, that can be redeemed when we buy another truck full of medicines, in our next outing!

His/Her Right (HR!) to sue & counter sue till immortality,  without getting any outcome of SENSE, LOGIC & JUSTICE (SLJ!) is another wonderful inalienable right the Indian Commoner (IC!) has! The advocate one BEGS to take one’s case, most probably, against multinational corporations which IF failed in Indian courts will take the case to the International Arbitration Courts where its writ works in its favour,various governments & government bodies/departments (Which are the LARGEST litigants in our liberated country!), banks which have enough money to buy anything in the Liberated Country,political musclemen who muscle in & muscle out of anything they wish, religious institutions which hold HUMUNGOUS tracts of land & buildings, in the Liberated & Liberal Country, officials of various government departments, bureaucrats, rich private persons who get kick out of witnessing the common man’s money & life going for a toss on EVERLASTING cases, hospitals & doctors who cheat their common man patients, consumer companies which NEVER stopped cheating from their inception, service providers of a million kind, police personnel who, MOST OF THE TIMES, found in the company of the RICH perpetrators & another thousand varieties of BIG BULLIES with HUGE wagons of money waiting to defend them & offend the commoner, is ‘often’ asenseless, ignorant & arrogant person & failure in the court (As, a commoner can ‘SELDOM’ get a Success In The Court Advocate (SCA!), as he is ALWAYS prohibitively expensive!), with fleeting moments of sense of justice which happen ‘ONLY’ outside the courts!

Hence, with the help of this Legal Nobody (LN!) the commoner gets spoiled, for Life & GETTING SPOILED FOR LIFE, LEGALLY, BECOMES ANOTHER INALIENABLE RIGHT the commoner possesses in Liberal India where Justice is liberated since 1990s!

His/Her Right (HR!) to give taxes, cesses etc, according to the whims & fancies of the governments is another inalienable right he enjoys, all over Liberated India! The respective governments will ANNOUNCE, when they feel so NEW taxes & cesses & the increments in the ALREADY existing taxes & cesses that he can ‘RIGHTFULLY’ give them that the governments spend the collected money in the ‘MOST IMPORTANT TASKS’ FOR THE UPLIFTMENT OF THE COMMON MEN OF THE LIBERAL & LIBERATED INDIA like bullet trains, Digital India, Aadhar, Excavations on the Martian surface for minerals which enrich the dietary systems of THE RICH, weaponry spending of LAKHS OF CRORES for THE WARS THAT NEVER COME etc!

His/Her Right (HR!) to (#) send his children for WHOLESOMELY substandard education, (#) regularly get manipulated & cheated by the paid news from the media & get swayed by it, to (#) live in a vitiated social system, (#) get ‘NOTHING’ for the value of the money he pays through his nose, (#) live, WHOLESOMELY mislead by the unchecked false promises & propaganda propagated by the perpetrators of the Indian Liberalism, (#) get indoctrinated by the worst kind of doctrines, (#) wholesomely get tricked & cheated by the innumerable varieties of the so called ‘Service Providers’, (#)  live in garbage cities and villages created by the rich and the elevated few, (#) give bribes, through one's nose, till the payer or the receiver passes away from the Scene, (#) get exploited by the Government and Private persons and institutions, eternally, (#) vote for a NEW Parliament every 5 years, spending an OFFICIAL 30,000+ crores and an UNOFFICIAL BLACK MONEY AIDED 1 lakh crore+, (#) become bankrupt due to the 'ONLY 12-14 % loan' taken to build a very small house, for one's family, (#) run, till death, after the ever advancing inflation of the prices of everything in one's life, (#) get the value of one's LIFE substantially reduced by the day, (#) get inextricably entangled in false, fictitious and frivolous police cases any time, anywhere, (#) GET HURT from anything and everything, any time and every time, (#) get thousands of tonnes of food grains ROT in Food Corporation Of India (FCI) godowns when crores of Indians sleep empty belly, every night, (#) be alive, equal and free (ONLY!) DIGITALLY while being almost dead or dead, physically, in REALITY, (#) be BRUTALLY DIVIDED by cast, religion, language etc. and Exploited by the Ruled, for ever and ever (#) get wholesomely submerged in the deliberate & well planned Indian Natural, social, cultural & familial destruction etc all are the Liberal Indian’s inalienable rights which he will NEVER lose!

And, it is great thing that our great governments are taking THAT EXTRA care in all these ‘RIGHTFUL’ matters that no common man in the liberal & liberated India misses these rights he has……! We, the common people SHOULD appreciate that, thankfully!