
Monday, August 30, 2010

Cultural Non-Existence Of India or Indians!

The Joint Family System we the Indians had developed taking centuries just got obliterated by the nuclear families which copied the western ways without thinking what they were throwing into the waste baskets & what they were taking in as their own! Indians never thought for a couple of minutes before they shifted allegiance to a completely foreign idea. They never thought of the culture they had been developing over the millennia! What ‘the others’ taught them, they followed blindly & never thought of the INDIANNESS OF THEIR EXISTENCE!

They shattered into smithereens the millennia-built cultural structure of India or Bharath as it should be called, without any guilt consciousness, AS THEY THOUGHT WHATEVER THERE WAS IN BHARATH ALIEN! They considered whatever that is Bharatiya or Indian Slavish & Uncultured & ran after something or the other which were not even a couple of hundred years old! They never knew that whatever they ran after were never tested & proven in time; they never cared even! They praised the western anything & kept a well-studied passiveness & animosity towards anything Bharatiya or Indian! Whatever western was emulated & Bharatiya looked down on! And, hence, Civilised became uncivilised & not yet proven things became CIVILISATION to these people who all of a sudden switched sides! Automatically, all the OTHER or WESTERN THINGS took charge of the situation & after some time were forced upon those who were still clinging onto the remains of WHAT WE HAD BEEN! When even a mere 500-1400 year old things were praised as something supernatural & sublime the 6000-7000 year old Bharath Culture was readily, silently & unceremoniously kicked away from the main frame of the INDIAN MINDS!

We started to build the alien Flat Culture as our own, flattening our great Bharat Culture; we built nuclear families which cut the roots of our culture never ever to germinate again; we started to talk & even think in the alien languages which were thrust upon us when we were NOT FREE; we wore western coats, suits etc in the sweltering sun; we gulped Russian vodka, brandy & whiskey and went for the Churchillian Cheroots; we read Shakespeare & Goethe and feigned ignorance of Valmiki & Vyasa; we romanticised the 12th & 13th century castles of Europe & never knew Ajanta, Ellora, Khojaraho, Mahabalipuram or the magnificent forts of Rajasthan; we knew Machiavelli well but kept our ignorance burning on Kautilya or Chanakya; we started to learn & propagate the love towards German, Latin & Urdu but failed to even think of Sanskrit; we held symposiums on Oxford & Cambridge & never uttered Nalanda; we forgot Kasi, Prayag, Sarnath & remembered London, Paris & Oslo; we stopped thinking BHARATIYA & started thinking western!

Our Education System became the BUILDING FACTORY for all those things
-companies & all - which are western & is for the west and based on western style! Our Medicine System Ayurveda was thrown away for the sake of Western Medicine while the westerners learned to extract benefit from it! We ran after Consumerism, following the west without ever seeing what it has done to the western people! We try to match our likings to those of the west; IF WE DONT FEEL LIKE WEST WE FEEL UTTERLY CHEAP & INSIGNIFICANT; "WHATEVER THEY MADE US THINK WE THOUGHT FEVERISHLY" & FOLLOWED THEM DOGGEDLY, WAGGING OUR TAILS INCESSANTLY!

Aping West in everything, including life style (including old age homes, kindergarten, convent education etc), culture, food, etiquette, education, medicine, money-spending system (Retirement scheme, insurance, banks & investment companies, stock market etc) consumerism and even THINKING for which no other external aid is required other than what is ours, became or made to be a fashion statement! We decorated our culture as a whore & promenaded it as A WESTERN CIVILIZED GLAM DOLL; we lifted our saris & lungees in the crowded WESTERNIZED INDIAN MARKETS TO DECLARE "OUR WESTERN 'UNDERGARMENT-EXISTENCE"; we moved in 2 pieces to prove OUR CULTURE; we felt whatever the WESTERNERS DID WAS FREEDOM & APED THEM BLINDLY; we pointed our fingers to the Ajanta, Ellora & Khojaraho & RAN NAKED IN THE NAME OF WESTERN FREEDOM!

In British Raj we gave them raw material & they altered them & sold us with a huge price hike; today we labour & alter whatever we have & give them cheap! Whatever we do we do it KEEPING IN MIND THE WAY THE WEST DOES IT; WE TODAY LIVE FOR THE WEST; WE ARE DEAD AS INDIANS or BHARATIYA! In older times we ONLY HAD TO GO AS FAR AS THE MIGHTY HIMALAYAS TO FIND OUR GODS; NOW WE HAVE OUR GODS POSTED PERMANENTLY IN THE WEST!

It has almost become as “Life Is West & East Is Death”, as WE ASSUME TO SEE All The Great Things On the other side of the fence, which is between us & the west! The WEST-CRAZE has become so engrossing & consuming that even if ONE PERISHES IN LIFE, ONE WANTS TO PERISH IN THE WESTERN STYLE! We follow a system which is NOT OURS or THEIRS....It is somewhere between these two cultures-the yet to be proven & the well proven culture of ours- which is like falling between 2 stools & never ever waking up!

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