
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gopichand Should Not Run The Academy!

There IS Something Rotten In BADmintonmark!
  William YudhistarJIspeare.

For everyone it is clear that Pulela Gopichand SHOULD NOT run the badminton academy he owns in Hyderabad, as it is in Bad taste & it is in hyderaBAD! And, it is very funny to know that the ONLY PERSON who doesn’t seem to understand this is none other than Pulela Gopichand himself!

But, people (Those who all are GOOD all their life & never BAD!) ask quite often why Gopichand doesn’t listen to them & close the academy he built up from scratch & sit idle, doing absolutely NOTHING, as some of the other MERITORIOUS PEOPLE OF YORE have done, waiting for that eluding & hard to please Padmasrees, Padmabushans,  Padmavibushans, Bharat Ratnas etc!

If he sits like that -The Nationalised, Institutionalised & ‘Idle-ised’ Way!- he can have the luxury of commenting on & putting forth EXPERT OPINION on this, that & everything under the Sun, Who will continuously keep suffering the stupid buffoonery of words, as He has been tolerating ‘the same’ for thousands of years! All the experts of the Indian badminton world have been burning the midnight oil thinking 'Why Gopichand Simply Can’t Close Down His Academy & become a bullshit producing factory owner & avail himself the multiple ‘SCHEMES’ (Obviously, all the ‘PUN’ intended!) of the government for the ‘QUIT PLAYERS’ or the ‘FORCED TO QUIT PLAYERS’ who always resign to the fate of OTHERS's Creation?!

The LAw of the country says that he can’t be the owner of his own hyderaBAD BADminton Academy & the National BADminton Coach at the same time Some experts say there are so many ‘BAD’ words involved! - as something sinister will happen if he continues in the ONLY 2 Most Powerful Positions of The World at the same time - that of the National BADminton Coach & the owner of HIS OWN Academy! Hence, for him, according to the FATE CREATING EXPERTS, the best option IS to down the shutters on HIS OWN CREATION & jump into the ALWAYS UNCERTAIN TERRITORY called National BADminton Coach, from which, after he closes down his dreams, any nitwit in any stupid position in the qualityless badminton organisation or a government power weight or paperweight can kick his ass & make him dreamless, as has been the custom of the present day Indian helmsmen of all sorts!

Saina Nehwal became world number 2 & 3 under Gopichand & a good number of players are emerging from his academy & performing well in the national & international badminton circuits doesn’t sound convincing for these people who know ALL THE INS & OUTS of BADminton! They will NEVER allow any PERFORMING, RESULT ORIENTED PERSON DO ANYTHING to upgrade the present DILAPIDATED SYSTEM & SHOW GREAT RESULTS!

After all, if someone starts to do something ‘NEVER ACHIEVABLE’ for these people, what will be the future of these NON & NEVER PERFORMING EVALUATORS & COMMENTATORS?! In Indian Sports & Games annals it is perfectly written that if someone does something great for the country he SHOULD BE somehow forced down to the lowest of the lowest level possible that all his tormentors can watch the downfall, completely involved! And, the National Puddle Makers very well know that when they RAISE A STORM IN THE TEA POT, with all the sound & fury they can create, they can deviate the attention of the person (whom focus, dedication, attention to the details etc are of the utmost importance - here it is none other than Gopichand himself!) whom they target & bring down the results substantially that they can PROVE AN INSIGNIFICANT POINT OR TWO, in the muddled water they have created, stirring deftly & continuously!

The fact that the position of the National Badminton Coach IS NOT a Life Time Title or Position is well clear even to those who ONLY KNOW the ABCDs of the game! It is a position which can be & IS transferred from one person to another as lightly as the hats are changed! The persons who have become THE BADminton DHARMARAJ YUDHISHTIRs have pointed out that ‘some of the selections’ made into the Indian Camp were biased as some of those players from Gopichand’s Academy have been selected (By stating ‘SO’ what they want to make everyone understood IS that SOME OF ‘THEIR’ PLAYERS have been left out!!)! It is great to know that THESE GREAT FAULT PIN POINTERS skilfully found out the BIASED SELECTION with all their TRUTH FINDING EFFICIENCY & MERITORIOUS ATTENTION!

It is obvious that ONLY THOSE who have the mettle to prove found their way into the Indian National team & the results in the national & international circuits have clearly proved this point, beyond any doubt! If someone has been included in the Indian Team & he/she performed NOT THAT GOOD in some circuits doesn’t mean that he/she has been selected into the Indian Team due to the alleged BIAS from Gopichand’s side! Non performance of some selected players in the international events has never been a TIME MACHINE TOPIC anywhere or in any country in the world, in any discipline! It’s as common as the differences in tea or coffee when it is mixed by different persons, at different places!

Making mountains out of ‘the mole hills available’ has ever been the game played extremely well in every game body in India & BADminton is never an exception! Those people who MINTED money from BADminton wants to utilise the word in the perverted form – they want to permanently MINT ON BAD (Rearrangement of ‘BAD-MINT-ON’) ideas & tricks which will fetch them more of their likings! In this so called democratic country India crucifixion of anyone is as simple as breathing in & out, as here in India & in various Indian Bodies, including those for sports and games, commotion is considered democracy & the loudest noise the final verdict! Hence, the Best Commotion Maker with the loudest voice wins the game hands down! And, here, in this game of BADminton it is one against a million where there is no chance of the ONE winning against the million as ours is supposed to be a democratic system & all our bodies too are the upholders of COMMOTIONOCRACY!!

And, I am of the humble opinion (Despite knowing that Gopichand won the prestigious All England Championship, holding the Indian National Flag high & made a number of badminton players from India ‘SHINE’ in the international arena which includes the World number 3 Saina Nehwal!) that in this COMMOTIONOCRATIC COUNTRY where Everything Is Decided In Commotion, By Commotion & For Commotion, it is well advised Gopichand step down from one of these 2 Greatest Positions in the world & hand over the other one to any of the Commotion Builders of Our Commotional Nation that he (The DHARMARAJ YUDHISHTIRJI who gets the position which Gopichand resigns – anyone sensible can understand that it IS GOING TO BE THAT OF THE NATIONAL COACH!) ‘MINT ON BAD’ precedents & the weaknesses of our Commotionocratic Systems!   

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